twenty five

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(a/n: a majority of this chapter is smut. as always i'll put a warning. if you don't like that or it makes you uncomfortable then you can skip. you might want to read the last few sentences for the next chapter to make sense. enjoy)

"wanna join the mile high club?", billie asks with a smirk on her face. "fuck yea", i say back. "ok ima go to the bathroom and then you wait a little so people don't get suspicious, ok?", billie says and i nod my head.

she gets up and starts making her way over to the bathroom. i wait about 30 seconds before getting up and making my way to her.


i knock on the bathroom door and she slowly opens it, making sure it was me. she lets me in and instantly pulls me in my hips and places a deep kiss on my lips.

she then lightly grips onto my throat and i feel her push me up against the wall. she wastes no time taking off my shirt along with hers. i then pull down my shorts and throw them to the side somewhere.

"turn around", billie says sternly. i do as i'm told and turn around and place my hands on the small counter in the bathroom. she pulls down her shorts, along with her boxers and then moves my thong to the side.

i then feel her line herself up with my entrance and then slam into me. "oh fuck", i moan out. "you're gonna have to stay quiet for me princess", billie says. she then crosses her arms and places her hands on the sides of my hips.

she continues pounding into me with no mercy and i start getting overstimulated. i reach my hand behind me, pressing on billies stomach, trying to get her to ease up a little bit.

"averill stop", billie says harshly. "fuck. please slow down. it's too much", i say while letting out moans in between words. "take it", billie says with no sympathy. "i-i can't", i struggle to say. i then feel her grab my wrists and pin them behind my back.

"you never know how to listen, do you?", billie says lowly. she keeps my hands in the same position as before and starts doing hard, passionate thrusts.

"i'm gonna cum", i moan out. "what was that?", billie teases. "i'm gonna fucking cum", i say a little louder. "hm? speak up", billie says. "i need to fucking cum. billie please", i yell. "oh why didn't you say so?", billie says with a smirk on her face.

i then release all my liquids on her dick and then feel her finish shortly after. she pulls out and lifts me up so i'm standing straight up.

she moves my hair to the other side and starts kissing my exposed neck. "we're gonna have fun this week", billie whispers into my ear.

we get cleaned up and put our clothes back on and billie walks out before me, and i walk out shortly after.

i know that everyone in the whole plane probably already heard us but..

we sit back down and i look over and see drew looking at us but she brushes it off.

~time skip~
we finally got to australia.. two flights later. we're currently checking into our hotel and this place is nice as fuck. i don't even wanna know how much it is per night.

"ok so laura, violet and i are sharing a room, then averill and billie will be sharing a room. there's a door connecting the two rooms tho", drew tells us while handing us the room key.

we make our way to our rooms and we go inside. it's a super open room with it's own kitchen and everything. there's even a balcony.

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