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i wake up and check the time and see that it's about 6:30 am. i get up and go to the bathroom then change and finish getting ready and i find a pair of shoes and grab my headphones and put them in.

i walk back downstairs and then grab the house keys and my backpack and leave. i lock the door and begin walking.

i get to school early so i decide to go to the library again before i have to go to my first class. as i'm walking into the building i see billie.

i sit further away from her then i did the day before because i really don't feel like talking to her. that didn't last very long because she comes over to me herself. "um do you need something?", i ask, with a slight attitude in the tone of my voice. "um well i was gonna talk to you about last night but it seems like you're choosing to be a bitch", billie says back coldly. i just ignore her and continue reading the book that i was reading.

a few minutes go by and a can feel a set of eyes staring at me and i look up and see that it's billie. what a surprise. "what the fuck do you want? can you like stop staring at me? it's weird", i say in a bitchy tone. "can you stop being so fucking bitchy so i can talk to you?", billie asks. i don't answer and just look down at my book.

the bell rings to start walking to your first class so i pack up my things and start walking there. i get into class and see drew and say hi. this teacher always gives us homework but literally no one does it so.

i forgot that billie was in this fucking class. she comes in like three minutes after me and decides to sit right next to me. she literally always sits fucking man spread and it's annoying as hell. "can you sit fucking normal for once?", i say annoyed. she ignores me and continues to sit like that.

"ay averill", i hear katelyn say. this skank ass whore. i fucking hate her and she always thinks that she's above everyone. i just ignore her and look forward. i then feel a literal text book be fucking thrown at me by that same bitch.

i quickly get up and pull her out of her seat by her fucking fried ass hair from all the bleach. "averill stop", i hear billie say. i ignore her and continue to hold onto katelyn. "you wanna fucking throw shit at me now? huh bitch?", i say rudely but she doesn't answer. i wrap my hands around her throat, now choking her. "averill, we don't act like animals here. you have after school detention", i hear my bitch ass teacher say. "drew, take her to the front office so i know she goes", she adds. "i got it", billie speaks up and the teacher nods her head in response.

i feel billie grab onto me, making me let go. she basically drags me out of class and out the door. billie aggressively stops me and slams me into the lockers. "what the fuck averill? you can't just fucking go around hurting people like that", she says. "that bitch literally threw a fucking text book at me? i had a reason to do that", i said honestly. i had a point. she doesn't say anything else and we walk down to the office and i get my pass and am free to go back to class.

~time skip~

i'm now at lunch and i'm sitting with billie, drew, halley, and vi. billie is sitting across from me and she won't stop fucking staring at my tits. they aren't even that big? like a b cup maybe. i kick her in the shin causing her to look up at me. "can you like not?", i say coldly.

some time passes and her eyes are right back to where they were before. what the fuck is her problem? i roll my eyes and kick her crotch, causing her to yell. "yo what the fuck was that for? god damn", she complains. "that fucking hurt bro", she adds. i give her a fake smile and we finish up lunch.


i'm in my last period which is a free period, kinda of like a study hall? we're allowed to leave whenever, just as long as our work is done. i decided to go to the library again. i walk in and see billie on a computer that's in the back that are meant for research and shit like that.. school appropriate research.

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