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billies POV:
i woke up around 9 o'clock and got dressed so i could take peaches on her morning walk. it was actually really nice this morning so we went for a little bit of a longer one.

once we got home i fed her and just i played with her for a little bit.

it's almost noon by the time i finished so i decide to go check on averill to see if she's awake yet.

i open the door quietly, trying not to wake her if she is still sleeping. i see that she's still asleep, so i just sit in bed and go on my phone for a little bit.

some time passes and averill starts to wake up. "good morning angel", i say quietly while shutting off my phone. "shit what time is it?", averill asks while rubbing her eyes, adjusting to the sunlight. "it's 12 o'clock", i tell her.

after a few minutes of silence, averill speaks up. "why'd you let me drink that much?", she asks. "i didn't even know you were drinking", i tell her honestly.

"what even happened last night?", she asks me and i sit up a little bit and look at her. "well you went swimming in just your bra and underwear, nicole tried to kiss you, you called me mommy and tried to get me to fu-", i begin to say, but she cuts me off. "wait what?", she asks now fully awake.

"don't worry. she didn't actually do it. you pulled away", i tell her. "oh. i'm sorry i was really out of it last n-", she begins to say but cuts herself off. "wait did you say i called you mommy?", she asks, now very confused. "oh.. yea when i was changing your clothes and shit and then you just you know", i tell her honestly. "i-i'm sorry i didn't mean t-", she starts to say but i cut her off. "nah it's ok angel", i say back.

she doesn't say anything else and just sits there. "did we um you know", she asks kind of nervously. "no. you were drunk and i knew you weren't thinking clearly. not to mention it's illegal", i tell her honestly. she let's out a small 'oh ok' and stays silent.

"are you hungry?", i ask and she nods her head in response while sitting up a little more. "you wanna go somewhere or do you want me to just make something?", i ask while tucking some hair behind her ear. "whatever's fine. do you have any tylenol or something tho?", averill asks. "yea mama hold on", i say while getting up.

i go to the kitchen, which is where they kept their medication and shit like that. i grab the tylenol bottle and a glass of water for her and then go back to the room. i hand her the bottle and the water. "thank you", she says back with a warm smile.

"get ready so that we can get some food, alright angel?", i say and she let's out a small, 'ok'. she then gets up and grabs some clothes out of her bag.

averills POV:
i grab some sweat shorts, a tank top and my toiletries, then make my way over to the bathroom so i can get ready.

i change and then brush my teeth and wash my face. i then throw my hair up into a messy bun and go back out to the room. "you ready?", billie asks. i let out a small 'mhm', and grab my phone so i can text my mom. i text her a 'good morning', and then shut my phone off.

i then feel billie pull me in by my waist, while placing a soft kiss on my lips. i sink into the familiar feeling as the warm scent of vanilla hits my nose. "ok let's go", billie says while grabbing my hand.

we go out to the car and then get it. "it's hot as fuck out today. it was nice this morning but then it heated up a lot", billie says while cranking up the air conditioning. i let out a little laugh but don't say anything.

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