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it's now friday and things have been pretty good between billie and i. i haven't seen mary since the incident.. thank god.

"drew's having a sleepover at her house again tonight and the rest of my friends are going, can i go?", i say to my mom. "yes but it'll have to be after dinner. is that ok?", she asks. i nod my head in response and my mom continues to drive to school.

she came back from her trip a few days ago and has been offering to drive me to school.

i get to school and i say goodbye to my mom and i get out of the car. i walk into school and go to my locker so i can get something. i close my locker and see billie standing there. "oh hi b-", i begin to say but get cut off.

billie slams me into the lockers, making a loud noise. "what the fuck is this?", billie says hold up her phone. some girls tits are shown across the screen. "um some girls titties?", i say confused. "stop acting fucking stupid bitch. these are yours", billie says aggressively. "no they aren't. i don't take fucking nudes. look for yourself. they aren't mine", i say annoyed and push billie off of me.

i walk away from her and start making my way to my first class. we have the same first period so there was no point of trying to get away from her.

i walk into class and sit down where i usually sit. billie walks in shortly after me and takes a seat next to me. she's giving me the resting bitch face like i did something. she's literally seen my tits before. the ones in that picture were way too big to even be mine. i swear billie acts like she's two some times.

"billie those aren't mine. mine are not that big. the fuck", i explain. she doesn't say anything and just looks away from me. ok so she's choosing to be a bitch today, i say to myself.

some time passes and we're doing partner work. of course billie is my partner because we got to choose them this time. she has me doing all the work because "she didn't feel like it". this bitch is so annoying sometimes.

a few minutes go by when i feel a tap on my shoulder. i look over and see that it's billie. "do you have tylenol or something? i have a headache", she says. i nod my head and pull out a bottle. she takes two and says thank you.

i finish the paper i was working on when i feel billie grab onto me. "yo what the f-", i begin to say but get cut off. "what the fuck did you give me?", billie asks, almost yelling. "um tylenol.. i think?", i say back. "you think? give me the fucking bottle", she says.

i hand her the bottle and the label reads, "viagra". i look down and see that she has a boner. i look at her with wide eyes, not sure what to say. "oops?", i say quietly but then feel billie grab my arm and pull me out of class.

she basically drags me to the bathroom and shoves me into a stall and pushes me up against the sink. "you're going to fix this fucking mistake that you made, got it bitch?", billie says rudely.


i barley even get a chance to respond when she shoves her lips onto mine and we begin to make out. she then snakes her hands to my shoulders and shoves me down so i'm face to face with her dick. "someone's going to see", i say. she then slaps me across the face. "god you're so fucking pathetic. does it look like i care?", billie says coldly.

she motions me to pull down her pants for her, along with her boxers. i do as i'm told and slowly pull down her pants. she aggressively grabs onto my hair and pulls my head back, making me look up to her. "you seriously want to fucking tease me right now?", she says.

i ignore her and place my hand over her hard dick. i play with the waistband of her boxers for a little, just to piss her off more. "averill", i hear billie warn.

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