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it was now thursday and i was at school. i already wanted to go home.. can you blame me?

as i'm walking to my first period i see drew running up to me. she hands me a note and i just look at her confused. "what's this?", i ask. "i don't know. the principal just told me to give it to you", drew tells me.

i figured that it was probably just something about doing my senior year this year too so i just put in my bag. 

i walk into my first period and sit down in my usual spot.

this class felt like two hours. i swear i thought it was never gonna end.

the bell finally rings and everyone gets up and gets their things and start making their way to second period.

as i was walking to my second period, one of the teachers stop me. "you're skirt is too short", he says. "why are you even looking? do you really want me to go to the principal and tell her that you were looking at a females body like that?", i ask. he doesn't say anything and just walks away.

i love doing that to the male teachers. it's a good way to get me out of getting dress coded and it's just fun to mess with them.


i was currently at drews house and we were just hanging out and shit like that.

"how's it been? i feel like we never hang out anymore like just the two of us", drew confesses.

she was right. we use to hang out all the time and now it feels like we never do. like yea we see each other at school and stuff or when we're with our other friends but never just us.

"it's been ok. the principal asked me if i wanted to do my senior year this year because i'm somehow "ahead of my classmates" but i honestly don't see the rush", i tell her. "bitch are dumb? take the opportunity. the sooner you get out of high school the sooner you get to experience life. like the real shit", she tells me.

"yea but i just don't see the point of rushing. i mean i don't even know what i want to do with my life once i'm out of high school", i tell her honestly. "i mean you have a point but still. i think it's something you should start thinking about", drew tells me.

~time skip~

"i'll see you tomorrow", drew says. "oh.. yea i forgot we had school. oops", i say back. "you're so stupid", drew says while laughing. i close the car door and then unlock my front door and walk inside.

"i'm home", i yell out to my mom. "come here. i want to talk to you", my mom then says. i roll my eyes and then walk into the living room which is where she was at.

"you need to start looking at jobs averill. you're going to be 18 next year", my mom tells me.

i just got home and this is what she chooses to talk about?

"i know. i'll start looking", i tell her. am i going to start looking? probably not. will i probably wait until i'm 18 to start looking? probably.

listen, i may not be the best with time management.. i never really have been.

"and you need to get a car too. i'm tired of driving your ass around places", she says. "ok well how am i supposed to get a car if i don't even have money?", i ask. "get a job", my mom say blankly.

"well how am i supposed to go to that job if i don't have a car?", i say. "averill", my mom warns while pulling down her reading glasses some.

"just get a job. i don't care what it is", my mom says. "so i can become a porn star?", i ask. "averill. you know what i mean", my mom says. "do i?", i say back. "i hope you do. make smart choices", my mom says and continues reading whatever book it was that she was reading.

i make my way over to the kitchen and grab a water out of the fridge. i then make my way up to my room and decide to work on some homework that i had.

i skipped study hall today because well.. i just felt like it. i probably shouldn't have because now i have to do my homework at home but.. oh well, i guess.

after not even 30 minutes i get bored so i just go on my phone.

i end up going on it for.. a few hours. i didn't even realize that i've been on it for so long until it literally started overheating.

it was almost 11 pm and i still needed to take a shower. i usually don't like taking a shower this late because then my mom yells at me for making "too much noise" but.. i'd rather be clean then not take one just because she's going to yell at me.

after my shower i go on my phone for another few hours.. oops? it's almost 4 am by the time i go to sleep.


it's finally friday. i ended waking up an hour late. my mom also went to work early so she doesn't know.

i was also in no rush to get to school because i was already gonna be late. no point in rushing, right?

i ended up getting there during my lunch period.

"averill why are you so late?", my principal asks. "well you see", i begin to say and she raises her eyebrows, waiting for me to answer. "ima just be honest. i slept in", i tell her honestly. "you have after school detention", she says and i roll my eyes and make my way to the cafeteria.

i sit down at the table all of my friends were seated at and they all kind of just look at me. "where have you been?", drew asks. "wait let me guess.. you slept in", she then says. "how'd you know", i say. "because that's like a character trait of yours", she says back. "i got detention because of it tho", i say. "damn that sucks", drew says.

the rest of the day goes by fairly quickly. i almost forgot that i had detention today.. oops?

i make my way to the cafeteria which is where detention always was. this shit is boring as hell.

~time skip~

after an hour of my life i will never get back, i finally get to go home.

i start walking and i already was regretting my outfit choice because it was hot as fuck out. i'm really never gonna learn.

i even looked at the weather last night and still chose to dress like it was 30 degrees out when it was really in the 80s.

by the time i got home i was drenched in sweat.

i go up to my room and get a more comfortable change of clothes and take a shower real quick.

once i'm done i go out to my room and see a bouquet of roses sitting on my desk that i somehow didn't see before.

they're red roses. my favorite type of flower. after closer inspection i realized that they were only red because there was something on them, not because they were naturally red roses.

i see a note sitting on top of them so i pick it up. i accidentally get whatever was on them on my hands. i ignore it and open the card.

'the bloods on your hands'

what the fuck. i realize that the red substance on the flowers, that was now on my hands was blood. i start frantically trying to wipe it off when i hear my door slam open.

thinking it was my mom. i roll my eyes. this has to be an april fools joke.

"can you please stop slamming my fucking door o-", i begin to say, thinking it was my mom but as i turn around, i quickly see that i was mistaken.

"averill robinson, we have evidence that you're guilty of the murders of sarah spade and mary adams. you have the right to remain silent. anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law." 


the end.


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