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(a/n: i wanna start this chapter off by saying happy valentine's day. even if you didn't have anyone to share it with, i hope you still had a good day. enjoy loves<3333)

it's now monday, february the 14th. valentine's day. of course billie already asked me to be her valentine.

"hey averill", billie says. i let out a small 'hm' so that she knew i was listening. we were currently still at the beach house and we were sitting by the pool. "will you be my valentine?", billie asks. i don't really like valentine's day and i think it's pretty overrated but this year is different. i guess things change when you're not lonely. i quickly nod my head in response and lean in to kiss her. not even gonna lie, i think we make a good couple.
end of flashback.

this weekend was.. something else. definitely a lot of.. you know, but my mom doesn't need to know that, that's for sure. we decided to just include our valentines date in with that one kinda? a two in one if you will.

"can billie or one of your other friends take you home today?", my mom asks. "i'm not sure. i can ask", i say. she pulls up to the school entrance and we say our goodbyes and i grab my bag and get out of the car.

i say hi to drew who was standing by the entrance waiting for me, like how we usually do. "hey av. how was your weekend?", drew asks. "it was good", i reply back. she doesn't need to know the details.

i walk into class and see billie already sitting there. she sees me and her eyes immediately light up. "hey angel", she says with a smile on her face. i let out a shy, 'hey' and then sit down. i just think it's funny that she still makes me nervous.

"you wanna come over today? my parents won't be home", she says with a slight smirk on her face. i nod my head in response while biting my lip. "you two are crazy", drew says while laughing and shaking her head. "oh shut up. if you ever got some good ass pu-", billie begins to say but i stop her. drew looks away awkwardly and doesn't say anything else. billie seriously needs to learn when to stop talking.

we had gotten a piece of paper in the beginning of class that we had to finish and turn in at the end of class.

about 30 minutes go by and i finished the paper so i just sat there until class was over. the bell rings a few minutes later and everyone starts getting up to leave. i do the same and turn in the paper and then start walking to my next period.

the day went by pretty fast and i'm now in study hall. i'm working on a paper i had for calculus. my favorite.. not. billie was also working on it so we were kinda doing it together.

"bro can we just do this later please? i wanna go home", billie says while slouching in her seat. "sure, i don't really wanna do this either", i tell her honestly and we get our things and go.

we go out to the school parking lot and make our way to her car. we get in and i sit my bag on the floor. "it's hot as hell up in this bitch", billie says while cranking up the air. "you wanna get taco bell or something?", billie asks. i nod my head in response and she just looks at me. "what?", i ask, kind of confused. "why are you acting all nervous and shit", billie asks while letting out a little laugh. "i'm not", i reply back. "you are", she then says. we continue going back and forth, and i keep denying it.

before i can say something else she leans in and kisses me on the lips. the soft scent of vanilla hits my nose and i melt into the kiss. "there you go mama", billie says while pulling away and biting her lip. "what was that for?", i ask. "to make you less nervous", she says back with a small smile on her face.

she then pulls out of the school parking lot and starts driving. after a few minutes of driving she pulls into the taco bell drive through. "can i get 25 bean burritos", billie says. i look at her and laugh but she just side eyes me. we finish ordering and get our food. we don't even wait to get home and start eating.

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