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(billie lookin a little too fine in that picture)

it's now friday and my mom is back from her work trip. she had to stay an extra day because something happened with her flight? i don't know but she said she wants to go to dinner some time this weekend so we can just hang out and catch up on some things. she actually offered to take me to school today.. something she doesn't do often.

i finish getting ready and head downstairs so my mom can take me to school. "are you ready honey?", she asks. "almost, i just have to get my backpack", i say.

i grab my backpack and we walk out the door, going out to the car. "so how has school been going?", my mom asks. "it's actually been going pretty good", i say back. "that's good", she says. "oh is it ok if i go over to my friend billies house after school?", i ask. "of course. just be home no later than 11 ok?", she says and i nod my head in response. she doesn't need to know that she's my girlfriend yet..

a few minutes go by and i arrive at school. i say goodbye to my mom and i get out of the car. i see billie walking into the school so i run up to her. "hey", i say excitedly. "hey mama. what's up?", she asks. "my mom said i can come over after school", i say. "ok good", she says back and we walk into school holding hands.

we walk to our first period and sit down where we normally sit. i say hi to drew who is also in this class.

"now, for today's lesson i will be paring you with a partner", i hear my teacher say. she begins paring people together when i hear billies name. "billie you'll be with drew, and averill you'll be with katelyn.. figure out how to get along", she says.

"bruh i fucking hate her", i say out loud. "excuse me?", i hear my teacher say. "she's a fucking bitch", i continue. "we don't use that language in school averill. i suggest you stop now or you're getting sent to the office", she says and i roll my eyes.

i get up to go sit next to katelyn and "accidentally" knock her books off of her desk. "my bad", i say coldly. "fucking skank", i hear her say in that annoying ass high pitched voice. "excuse me bitch?", i say back. "did you not hear me? i called you a fucking sk-", and before she could finish, i yank her up by her hair so that she was standing.

i punch her in the face and i know damn well it hurt because i had some bulky ass rings on. i begin to go in for another swing when i feel someone grab me. i look behind me and see billie. of course.

i look back at katelyn and see that her nose is bleeding profusely. she'll be fine. if anything it'll just teach her a lesson.

"this bitch just called me a fucking skank", i yell out causing a scene. "averill you need to calm down. i'll deal with her later", i hear billie say.

before i can do or say anything else i hear the teacher say, "averill and katelyn, go to the front office. now", i roll my eyes and let go of her and storm out of the door.

i walk down to the front office. "what is it now averill?", i hear the lady say. "i beat up this girl because she called me a skank", i say honestly. "you have after school and in school detention. you're lucky i'm not writing you up for anything else", she says.

since i have in school detention too, and it's like my fourth time having it, i have to stay in the front office all fucking day and then i have to go to the cafeteria when school is over for after school detention. in school detention makes no fucking sense. you're just making me miss out on my learning.. like the fuck?

~time skip to the end of the day~

school is now over but i have after school detention too so i have to stay for another hour.

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