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i walk downstairs with billie and see that drew is already up, along with halley. as i'm walking down drew just has a huge smirk on her face. the fuck?

"did you guys have fun last night", drew asks while holding back her laughter. billie just stares at me, not saying anything. "um you can say that", i say back, kind of embarrassed.

"you know.. these walls aren't sound proof", drew says while laughing. ("and what would people say, if they listen through the wall")

i just ignore her and change the subject. "we should go to the mall or something", i suggest. "that sounds good. is it ok if my friend laura comes along?", drew asks. we all agree and we get ready.

we all finish getting ready and get in the car.

we all finish getting ready and get in the car

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(this is kinda what she's wearing lol-)

drews driving, billie and i are in the back with halley and the passenger seat is open for laura because we're picking her ass up.

"can you close your legs please. you're taking up like the whole back seat", halley says to billie. "bro see. she does it all the time and it's fucking annoying", i say to halley, while reaching over billie.

"bitch i do not", billie says while rolling her eyes. "i don't know why you choose to sit in the middle. it's literally like the tightest spot in the car", i say while pushing her legs.

"BRUH-", billie starts to yell out but gets cut off. "can you guys stop? you are almost adults and you're acting like you're two. you guys are fucking children i swear", drew says. billie rolls her eyes and just looks away.

"we're picking up violet too by the way", drew says. "how the fuck are we supposed to fit six people in a five passenger car?", billie asks annoyed. "figure it out", is all drew says.

we finally get to laura's house and she gets in the passenger seat. "this is halley", drew says while pointing to her. "this is billie", drew says, now pointing to billie. "and this is averill", she continues. "billie and averill are dating by the way", she adds. laura nods her head in response then introduces herself to us.

"she's going to be starting up at the same school we go to", drew says. "she's also a junior", she then adds. i nod my head in response.

"oh and we'll be picking up someone else. her names violet. you can just call her vi for short tho", drew says to laura. "she's most likely going to try to flirt with you but that's just her personality", i then add. laura laughs and says ok.

we pick up vi and i'm now sitting on billies lap while vi is in the middle and halley is on the left side. "bro it's tight as fuck in here", vi says. "no shit", i say while adjusting because i can't get comfortable.

i feel a tap on my shoulder and look over to see it was billie. "stop moving please", she whispers. i don't say anything and stop moving so.

about five minutes go by and i forget what billie had told me not to do. i continue moving because sitting on a lap in a tight ass car is not comfortable.

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