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(that pic of billie is hot asf)

"so as some of you might know i will be retiring soon", my chemistry teacher, mrs. levett says. i have her second to last period and not gonna lie i'm kinda sad to see her go.

she's always been really nice and rarely gave us homework but she has a baby on the way and she's going on maternity leave so it makes sense i guess.

halley and laura are in this class but billie isn't. she has chemistry fourth period. "do you know who our new teacher is going to be?", i ask. "no not yet", mrs. levett says back. i nod my head in response and continue to do the paper that was handed out in the beginning of class.

it's been about a week since that sarah girl texted me and i kinda felt bad because every time she asked to hang out i would always end up blowing her off. oops?

she asked to hang out today after school and i finally agreed.. after a week. i'm an introvert.. what do you want me to do about it?

we're meeting up at a coffee shop today after school. i've been there maybe once? i don't know i didn't really feel like doing a lot with her.

this class goes by pretty fast and i start making my way to study hall which is in the library. i get there and sit down and see billie walk in shortly after.

she lets out a dry 'hi' and sits down next to me. "are you ok?", i ask while looking at her. "yea just this bitch ass teacher gets on my nerves", she tells me honestly while letting out a breath.

i nod my head in response and continue to work on the essay i was working on. "do you wanna come over to my house after school?", billie asks. "oh um i actually already have plans", i tell her honestly. "with who?", she asks. "i don't know. some girl", i say, kind of lying.

i mean she is a girl.. but i know who she is.. kinda. "some girl?", is all billie says. i can tell she's getting kinda pissed so i just don't say anything else.

i finish my essay so i get up and grab my things. "i'll see you tomorrow", i say to billie and walk out. she's been acting weird this whole week. like she's hiding something? i don't know. oh well i guess?

i make my way to the coffee shop. it's only about a 10 minute walk from the school. a lot of people usually go there after school to hang out and shit like that.

i get there and see sarah sitting at one of the tables. she waves and i walk over to her and sit down. "hey", she says excitedly. "hey sorry we couldn't hang out sooner. i was sick and then i was really busy with school", i half lie. i mean i was sick.. but i wasn't that busy.

we just talk about random shit and get to know each other a little better. "wanna come over to my house tomorrow?", i ask since i was actually kinda enjoying spending time with someone new. "sure. what time?", she asks. "same time as today", i reply back with.

we finish up and say our goodbyes and then head our separate ways. i start walking home and it's about a 15 minutes walk. i really need to get a car.

once i get home i open the front door and walk inside. i see my mom in the kitchen cooking dinner. "hey honey, how was school", she asks. "it was good", i reply back with.

i make my way to the kitchen and grab a glass of water and sit down at the table. i'm just scrolling on instagram when i get a message from billie.

hey av

as i'm about to answer my mom speaks up. "so how'd it go with sarah. i remember you telling me you guys were going to the coffee shop today to hang out", my mom says and i put down my phone.

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