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It was lunch and Jill was going to go alone to find David and confront him about this situation she got told. She didn’t want Maia there or for her to know much. Jill quickly spotted David alone looking around. She automatically thought that he was looking for Maia.

"Hey David, can we talk?" Jill said as soon as she got up to David.

"Uh, yeah sure," David said still looking around.

"So you kissed Maia on the cheek huh?" Jill went right out.

"Why are you saying this?" David questioned.

"So you did?" Jill said again.

"Yeah," David said quietly.

"Well I thought we were dating David. That’s not right to do and all I can feel is hurt right now. How could you do this?" Jill was saying.

"First of all it was a dare. Second of all it was not a big deal and third you did something to me like that before too. It was even worse so," David went right out.

"Okay, but why would you do this and it was with my best friend," Jill said.

"Jill, don’t go there. You did worse to me," David said.

"So this was pay back?" She asked.

"No, it was nothing. Calm down and stop being so angry when I was like that you seemed like it was fine. So no double standards," David full out listed.

"Do you like her?" Jill asked.

"What?" he asked.

"You know what I said. Do you have feelings for her?" she said.

"No," David said quietly.

"Don’t lie, you use to," Jill said.

"Use to," David said.

"So nothings there?" Jill said.

David was thinking and he really did feel something was there and he just wasn’t sure if he should admit that right yet.

David looked at Jill then looked down and just walked away without saying anything more.

He looked at his phone while he was walking away and saw a text that was from Maia. He automatically smiled and opened it. She was looking for where they were.

Before he could reply to the text, there Maia was. Right in front of him. David wasn’t in much of a talking mood after what is going on again with Jill.

"Hey, where is Jill?" Maia asked.

"Somewhere," David replied annoyed.

"Is something wrong?" Maia questioned concerned.

"Yeah," He replied.

"What’s wrong?" Maia asked.

"You told her?" David said.

Maia went quiet. She wasn’t exactly sure what he meant but didn’t want to question it. It was probably about what she told Jill and Jill probably told him.

"I know you told her dummy," David said again.

"Okay, I did," Maia said.

"Why would you tell her? I thought it would be kept a secret between just us," David asked.

"I’m sorry. She’s my best friend and I feel guilty this happened," Maia explained.

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