Smiles and Frowns

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It was the day after Maia and Josh had their date. She felt like it wasn’t as awkward as the first times they were together but she always had that side to her. 

“Beautiful, I have had such great times with you; I really want you to know that. Tell me what you think too,” Josh texted her.

Maia instantly saw the text; she couldn’t hide the smile that grew on her face.

“Cutie, I had an amazing time too. Thanks for everything, your idea was perfect,” Maia replied.

“I hope you didn’t mind, you know, what we did…” Josh replied talking about their make out.

“Nope, not at all. I actually enjoyed it,” Maia replied after a few minutes of not really knowing what to say. Her smile was still huge.

“Maia, I want to ask you something,” Josh replied.

Maia got extremely nervous. She hated when people did that. What could have he wanted? What if he didn’t actually like it?

“What is it?” Maia asked.

“Maia, will you be my girl friend?” Josh asked.

Maia couldn’t believe he asked her out. She did think it was the right time, her feelings for him were there and people like Jill and David said she should go for it.

“Yes,” Maia replied with a smile.

“Great, I’m so glad. I was scared you would reject me,” Josh said.

“Josh, I’m glad too,” Maia replied. She laid back and decided to call her best friend to tell her the news.

Maia got her phone and started dialling Jill’s number, hoping she would pick up and be able to talk. She wanted her to be one of the first to know. The phone was ringing, and after a couple rings, she answered the phone.

“Hello?” an annoyed Jill answered the phone.

“Hey Jill, is this not a good time?” Maia replied, knowing something must have been wrong with her.

“No it’s fine what is it?” Jill said.

“Jill, I know something’s up, I can tell. Now what’s the matter?” Maia said.

“Don’t want to talk about it right now, you go first then I’ll tell you I guess,” Jill replied.

“Okay, well Josh and I had our date yesterday,” Maia started.

Jill paused and thought she would continue on, “Yeah,” she said.

“It was so fun. He was such a great guy to be alone with, nothing I was afraid of happened. You guys were right; to stay calm and things would be okay. He just isn’t that type of guy,” Maia said again.

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