Heart eyed emoji

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Maia picked up her phone to call David to talk about Josh like he had suggested. She went to her contact list to find his name and she noticed how he put his number into her phone. He put “David” with a heart eyed emoji next to it. She smiled and rolled her eyes.

            She clicked on his contact name and the put the phone to her ear to hear the ringing. Two short rings later, David had answered the phone call.

            “Hello,” David said into the phone after he answered.

“Hey,” Maia replied quietly.

“So, tell me… what is going on between you and Joshua?” David said in that cute questioning tone.

“Wow going full name on me huh?” Maia laughed.

“So, care to tell me?” David asked.

“Well, when we were at the park together on Sunday, you and Jill were together and Tiffany ran back over to you guys, so it ended up being just Josh and I walking. He asked for my number and I gave it to him. Now were texting,” Maia explained.

“Wow, my best friend is getting to talk to you more before I do,” David said.

“Well I mean, we talk and I just started talking to Josh. We did just meet a couple days ago,” Maia said.

“I met you first, but you already seem more interested in him than me,” David said with a pause.

“I’m not sure where this is going, but I know that we’re just friends. I don’t see why it’s a big deal I’m texting him,” Maia replied.

“It’s not a big deal, I was just asking and you guys didn’t seem to bother to tell me,” David said with an annoyed tone.

“Okay, well now you know. Sorry but I didn’t think that everyone needed to know. I haven’t told anyone, actually,” Maia explained.

“Why is that?” David asked.

“Why is what? Why didn’t I tell anyone? Because I didn’t think it was a big deal. We’re just texting. It isn’t really anyone’s business but ours,” Maia said.

“Oh okay, well just wondering. So you don’t like him?” David questioned.

“I like him as a friend, yeah. I don’t really know much about him yet,” Maia said.

“So you don’t actually like him?” David questioned her again.

“I can’t like someone I barely know. We just met. Why?” Maia asked.

“Nothing; never mind. Thanks for telling me now,” David said.

“No problem I guess. Well I better go, I have to do homework,” Maia said trying to end the phone conversation.

“Okay, I’ll text you. Enjoy doing your homework loser,” David replied with a chuckle.

“Okay. Wow, thanks,” Maia replied and hung up the phone.

            Maia was curious to why David wanted to know so badly about her conversation with Josh. She was wondering what was with all the questions and why he seemed to care so much. She was basically oblivious to the part that David also liked her along with Jill.

            Maia picked up her history book and started reading the pages before to answering the questions. She heard a vibration coming from her phone on the table.

She turned over and picked up her phone which happened to be a text message from David.

        “Hey loser, miss me yet?” his text read.

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