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Everyone was looking at Maia waiting to see what she was going to do.

“So, are you going to do something or what?” Jill asked.

“No, I’m not doing it. Sorry, I don’t want to make out with someone for my first time on a dare. That’s stupid in my opinion,” Maia said nervously.

“But it’s your dare Maia,” Jill said.

“She shouldn’t have to do it if she really doesn’t want to,” David butted in.

“Thanks, because I don’t care; I’m not doing that for a dare,” Maia said.

“Fine then each person only gets two skips for a dare,” Jill said.

“Fine, so choose something else for me then,” Maia said.

“I dare you to kiss Josh then,” Jill suggested for her to do instead.

Josh looked at Maia as she started walking towards him. She wouldn’t make out with him but she would kiss him because it wasn’t as big of a deal because she skipped the first one and she has done it before. Josh looked at Maia in the eyes. She felt like everyone was starring over at them. She leaned in and they kissed.

“Wow, damn girl,” Jill said.

“Aw,” Tiffany said clapping her hands at their kiss.

David looked away then looked again and saw Maia blushing and Josh all happy after their kiss.

“Okay go Maia,” David spoke.

“Jill I dare you to kiss David on the cheek,” Maia said the first thing that came out.

“Soft,” Josh said with a smile as Maia turned around and smiled at him.

“Not like we haven’t done this before,” David said under his breath.

Jill went over to David and started smiling, she was taking her time.

“What are you waiting for, go,” Tiffany said.

David turned his face so his cheek was facing Jill. He was waiting for Jill to kiss him, he was usually the one to do it to her but the odd time she did it, and he was confused to as why she was taking so long this time. They were both standing up and Jill was coming close about to kiss him on the cheek and at the last second, David turned his face so then they kissed on the lips instead of the cheek.

“Oh my gosh,” Maia said laughing after he did that for them to kiss.

“Aye my boy,” Josh said laughing.

“My plan was great wasn’t it,” David said.

They all started to laugh at what David did with Jill.

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