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In the morning Jill had texted Maia to tell her she would be late to school today so she wouldn’t be able to walk with her and go early to school. Maia decided to go later than usual but still before classes started.

            Maia started putting on her light sweater and head out the door later than usual because she wasn’t meeting up with Jill. She was walking to the lights as she decided to take out her phone and turn on her data to look through Twitter

            As she was walking she was scrolling down the feed. She didn’t see many tweets knowing it was the morning and nobody really would go on. She then came across a few that happened last night, seemed to be a fight from a subtweet.

            “I don’t get why you’re accusing me of this shit,” David’s first tweet was with several other replies. 

            Maia looked up from her phone to see she had actually walked some ways and almost arrived at school, she looked behind her cautiously in case someone was behind her and she didn’t see anyone.

            She was going to look at the replies to the tweet but she didn’t because she had a text from Josh come up across her phone. 

                “Good morning I miss your beautiful smile. Hope you have a great day and we can see each other sometime soon,” Josh’s text read.

            Maia clicked the message and started to reply until she felt something light but tingly touch the side of her face. She turned slightly to the right side and hadn’t seen anyone until David popped out from her left.

                “Hey,” David said.

            “Oh hey, I knew that wasn’t just my imagination,” Maia said with a smile. 

                “I’m not annoying at all am I?” David joked.

            The two of them walked as they got to the front doors of the school building.

            “Where’s Jill? She’s usually with you,” David asked looking away.

            “She messaged me saying she was going to be late today so I could go on without her,” Maia said.

                “Oh true, I wonder why she will be late,” David said his thought.

            “I don’t have a clue. She didn’t tell me that,” Maia replied.

            Maia and David had realized they had some time before classes started so they decided to walk around a bit the two of them.

            Maia was thinking about asking David what his tweet was about but wasn’t sure if it was actually a fight or if she should ask his business and get into it.

            “How is Josh?” David asked which reminded Maia about his text he sent her earlier.

            Maia pulled out her phone and started to reply until she noticed that reminded her but she hadn’t replied to David yet.

            “He’s good I guess,” Maia replied to David.

            “Anything going on between you two yet?” David asked.

            “You reminded me to text him back actually since you brought him up,” Maia said.

            “Hey thanks Josh. I hope we can see each other soon too I miss you,” Maia replied to Josh.

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