Someone's blushing

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It was Monday morning, the biggest drag and what most people dread. Maia woke up to the sound of her alarm clock going off. It was 6:30 AM. She turned around to turn it off and grabbed her phone on her dresser. She found a text message from last night that read “Hey, pretty fun time today right?” from Josh.

Maia hesitated to if she should reply right now, but she did it anyway. “Hey, sorry about that, I fell asleep early last night. Yeah it was fun. Nice meeting you,” she sent the message to him.

Maia got out of bed and started getting ready for the day. By 7:30 Jill would get

by her street so they could walk to school. Maia got dressed, applied her makeup and brushed her teeth.

Finally after she finished getting ready, she still had an extra few minutes before heading out, so she sat down on her couch and ate breakfast. She pulled her cell phone out of her jean pocket and saw that Josh had replied.

“It’s alright, nice to meet you too… hopefully we can meet again soon,” the message said.

It gave Maia a feeling that she didn’t really know how to describe. “Maybe we can all hang out again sometime,” Maia replied.

Shortly after, Maia left the couch and went outside to go meet Jill to walk to school together.

“Hey there, miss. Someone’s a minute late to meeting me,” Jill said to Maia in a joking way.

“Sorry,” Maia chuckled.

They were on their way to school; Maia kept looking down at her phone in case Josh had replied to her last text message.

“What’s going on, why are you eyeing your phone girl?” Jill asked.

“Oh. It’s nothing,” she said quietly.

They continued their way to school and as they were almost reaching school they saw David walking.

“Oh look there’s David! Hey David, over here!” Jill said and waved David over to them.

David noticed and started walking over to them. He hugged Jill and then looked over at Maia, unsure if they should hug. Maia reached her arms open for him to hug her too.

If they were going to build a friendship, they should be able to hug without questioning it. David went in and hugged Maia after Jill.

“So, how’s your vocal assignment coming along?” Jill asked.

“Pretty good, it’s due this week,” David replied.

“Yeah, it’s going well, but I’m just getting nervous thinking of going in front of the class to sing it. Don’t want their negativity on my voice,” Maia said.

“I bet you sing great, don’t worry,” David said looking at Maia.

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