Chapter 1

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...I should probably reread the old story before I write the new one. 



As someone who'd been on the Hermitcraft server for over 2 years, Grian was used to weird stuff happening. 

But this? 

This was another level of weird.

Firstly, chat was going absolutely insane, with the constant buzzing of confused hermits waking the confused Brit.

Secondly, he felt weirdly... Unprotected. Like he had when the watchers had taken over Evo. Like he had whenever he played most of the games in the MCCs... A feeling he didn't like when it came to the safest place he'd ever been in, 

Thirdly, he was levitating.

And weirdest of all, Mumbo was standing just below him, looking like he actually wanted to talk to Grian.

Clearly, something was wrong. 

'Hey Mumbo...' he began awkwardly. 'What's up?'

'Uhh... you are?' 

'Oh yeah...' laughed back Grian. 'I am...'

'Is this some kind of prank? How are you doing this? Have I gone insane.'

'I think you were already insane...'

'But... how are you doing this?! Is there glass holding you up?'

'Well, funny you might ask. Because I can tell you everything. So. I woke up...' Grian began to explain, leaving a dramatic silence. 


'And I was floating. Mumbo, do you know what's going on?' 

'Why would I know?!'

'Because you're clever.' 

'I'm also part of the two braincells gang over here, Grian! I don't know what's happening!' Mumbo backed away slightly. A moment of quiet, and he sighed. A sudden thought came to mind 'Can you... actually get down?'

'I hope so...' Grian tried to descend. Apparently, closing your eyes and hoping for the best worked, and he glided smoothly to the ground, landing easily on his feet. He opened chat, hoping to find some explanation. The rush of comments had died down partially, but he still couldn't read much. Other hermits waking to find weirdness... and strange powers they'd never had before... and a rumour of... no respawn!?

'Hold on, there's something about perma-death in chat.' Grian frowned, Mumbo mirroring his impression.

'What?!' Mumbo looked at the communicator around his own wrist. 'Goodness gracious, you're right!'

'What should we do?!' 

At that moment, a group of hermits ran into the mansion. Iskall, Ren and Stress skidded to a stop. Stress was holding a strangely familiar cat in her arms. Apart from that, they looked normal.

'Hey, dudes. Do any of you know what's actually happening?' Ren began, wolf ears twitching. 

'Grian was the one levitating. I don't know anything.' Mumbo backed away. The cat meowed questioningly. 

'He's asking if you know what's going on, and that he's really confused and scared..' Stress translated calmly. 

'Stress... you talk to animals?'

'Yup... and they're not all polite like Scar.'

'Hold on- WHAT?!' 

'Yeah... Scar's a cat...' Ren explained awkwardly. 'None of us know what's happening, man. Iskall has super strength, Stress can talk to animals, and somehow you can levitate... something bad's going on, man.'

'Yeah... None of us know how to sort this out. This is omega bad...' Iskall agreed. 

'And... people are talking about perma-death in chat.' Grian added. Clearly, the newcomers didn't know. 

'What?! No!' Ren burst out. 'Dudes... this isn't good.'

'You think?' Grian snapped, failing to hide his terror. Cub fell out of the sky. Ren began pacing. Mumbo tried not to freak out. Scar meowed in terror. Stress scoured chat for anything to show it was a prank, heart sinking as she found nothing. 

'Uhh... hey... everyone?' 

Grian almost screamed with the shock, shooting into the air again at the sound of Cub's voice. 

'Goodness gracious me, Cub, you scared me!' 

'WHY ARE YOU HERE?!' Grian yelled, still somewhere halfway between the ground and the ceiling. Cub was looking up at him, perplexed but unconcerned.

'I dunno man... I managed to create a magic portal thingy and I ended up here. Apart from that...'

'Jeez, dude! You don't just scare everyone like that!' Ren scolded, still trying to recover.

'Sorry... I didn't expect that my presence would be so unexpected that it allowed Grian to deny the laws of gravity... what are you doing up there?'

'Recovering from you appearing randomly in the middle of my base!'

'Yeah... Grian can levitate.' Ren looked up at the red-sweater-ed Brit as he sheepishly descended. 

'Huh... weird... anyway... have you seen chat?' Cub moved on as though it wasn't the weirdest thing he's ever seen, which the other hermits reasoned, it probably wasn't.  

'We know that there's no respawn.' Stress replied. 'An' that everyone's wakin' up with weird magic stuff...' 

'Yeah... like I said, I made a portal thing and, as you must always do, walked through it, and ended up here.'

'Hold on, what?! Who just walks through weird portals?!' 

'Who doesn't walk through weird portals?' Cub shot back, evidently scandalised. 

'I think that's just you, luv.' 

'If Scar was here he'd agree with me...'

'Uhh... is now a good time to mention that Scar is here?' Ren asked sheepishly. Cub looked around the room, confused for a moment, but spotted the cat in Stress's arms.

'Ah... I see. But he still agrees with me?' 

Scar meowed back. Stress nodded.

'Yep. Apparently he agrees.'

'Knew it...'

'Why are you so calm about the fact your best friend is a cat?' Grian queried, his concern growing with ever moment. 

'It's happened before...' 

'I'm not even going to ask...' Grian sighed. Iskall was looking at chat again. 

'Apparently Xisuma wants a server meeting. He might know what happened.' He quickly got the group's appention back by saying. 'Town hall, as soon as possible. Come on, Mumbo!' Iskall grabbed his friend's hand, easily taking off with him dangling behind. The moustached Brit screamed, literally screamed, to be let go.


'Don't worry! Ren can catch you if you fall!'

'Don't know if I can...' Yelled the dog worriedly, running after, Stress behind that, Scar mewing in protest as she took to the air. Grian looked back at Cub.

'You coming too?'

'Yeah, I'll come.' Cub summoned another portal into existence, glancing over at it and back to Grian, a small smile on his face 'Want to join me?'

'No... thanks... I'll see you in the shopping district. Stay alive!' 

'I'll try to!' Cub jumped recklessly through the portal, while Grian shook his head and flew off, over to see whatever Xisuma wanted to tell them. 

I have no idea if this is actually better than the previous first chapter. 

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