Chapter 24

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Time for everything to go wrong.


There was a moment of silence after the entrance closed up. A few of the hermits looked over. Scar's attention was on Cub, his suspicion growing with every moment. But before he could share it, Tango let out a short laugh.

'That- that's just great isn't it. Truly amazing...' He began to give a slow clap. 'Congratulations, Scar. We're stuck. Forever.'

'How's this my fault?!' 

'You invited us here!' Tango snapped back. 'You're the one pretending you needed help. And I see you brought some magic books as well. How long did it take to find one that would properly screw up the rest of our notch-damned lives.'

'I was being attacked! We were about to get killed... there was nothing else I could do!' Protested back the mayor. 

'Well you've just killed all of us.'

'Tango, it isn't his fault!' Intervened EX. 

'Oh, says you. You've probably been working with the other side this entire time, haven't you? Maybe it's your fault that Impy's gone. You did this, didn't you!'

'TANGO! Calm down!' Xisuma ordered. 'We can work this out calmly and sensibly, if none of us panic.' 

'Night. Gotta schweep I guess.' Bdubs decided, unwillingly curling up to sleep in the corner of the room. 

'Oh, yeah. THAT'S going to go well.' Inferno interrupted. 'Based on the fact that so far you lot have accomplished nothing, and Herobrine knows how 'calm' and 'sensible' you all were then.'

'Does anyone just have any kind of diamond tools on them to, I don't know, just break the blocks and leave?' Cleo offered, crossing her arms. 'Because that seems like a pretty easy option.'

'Already tried. Didn't work.' Hypno stepped away from the wall. 'It didn't want to mine. Like it's bedrock or something.'

'Oh, even better. We can't even break our way out. Who's idea even was this?! And why did all of us need to be here to kill Viscous?! Surely just a few people could've done it.' 

'Clearly it didn't.' Xamphe replied. 'Since me, Cub and Scar were easily overwhelmed by him.'

'So you say... what if this was just all a giant set up to get us all killed? I mean- considering everything else that's happened, it seems pretty understandable as to why Cub and EX would lead us to our deaths, making whatever situation existed before even worse.' 

'There's a point, can't Cub just create a portal out of here? Isn't that his power?' False figured. 

'And what if it leads to something worse? Or right where Glitch wants us to go?' Replied the vexling. Scar narrowed his eyes. 'And whatever happened, someone would have to go through it, or it wouldn't close.'

'Sounds pretty suspicious to me...' Iskall muttered.

'Same. I don't think Glitch can control your lot's powers.' Inferno glared at Cub. 'Though, I might be wrong. It was the thing that gave us access to your world.' 

'And who's fault was that, Xisuma?'

'Oh my goodness, when will you get over that?! It wasn't my fault!'

'Yeah, it was. You chose to gave us all stupid powers that get our friends killed. And I guess it's an 'accident' that the world ended up Permadeath too, is it?'


'Tango, Xisuma, quiet! We need actually deal with this! Instead of just fighting.' 

'JEVIN'S AWAKE.' Finally, a distraction. Everyone's attention shifted as the slime woke up. 

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