Chapter 17

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The battle had ended by the time the rescue mission returned. None of the evil hermits were left, at least, none that were alive. Zedaph, Keralis, Stress and Hypno's evil identities's bodies were lain to one side. No one was looking at them, more focused on the dead and injured hermits. Wither was unconscious on the ground, while Inferno desperately covered his wounds. Cleo was knelt, head down, clearly crying, in front of Keralis's corpse. Hypno was dully staring at xB's body, Iskall sat by Mumbo's body, sobbing, and Bdubs and Beef were exchanging terrified comments, and trying to sort out an arrow lodged in Etho's side.

Xisuma gazed around at the chaos. Cub swore, and Scar looked at him, surprised. Tears ran down Ren's face.

'What happened?' Xamphe ran over to where False was stood. The blonde turned around.

'We fought... and some of us ended up dead.' It was all she could say. ' did the rescue mission go?'

'Scar and Xisuma are alive. Doc's not.'

'Doc died?'

'Sacrifice. Instinct. Something like that. Ren's... not happy.'



'Well, Keralis was killed by not-Joe. And Mumbo by himself, and evil Grian, so Iskall and Cleo are clearly not happy... Zedaph attacked Wither, and then Inferno killed him... it's complicated. I don't want to talk about it.' False sighed. 

'We should return to the other world. Season 7.' Cub recommended, having just arrived into the conversation. 'I don't know when the others will come back.'

'Yeah.' False agreed. 'Though it might take a while to convince some of the hermits to go.' She looked over to Iskall, then Cleo, then back to Cub and EX. 

'We could set up a temporary camp here for some of the hermits, while the rest go back.' EX suggested. 'Just for a couple of days until everyone's alright to return.'

'But they might get attacked.' Cub argued reasonably. 'Or something might happen. We're not safe here.' 

'How are we going to get the injured hermits through? As in, Etho's literally bleeding to death, and Wither's unconscious.'

'Etho's next to the portal, Inferno can carry Wither's body, if anyone else is badly hurt we'll find a solution. But we need to get away before something happens.' 

False stared down Cub for a moment longer, before sighing.

'Alright. Everyone?' Most of the hermits turned to face her. 'We're heading back to the season 7 world now where we can get over everything without any imminent danger... we'll take the uhh... dead... hermits with us so they can have a proper burial and funeral. Are there any questions.'

'Yeah. One word: Etho? 

'I... can walk?' The ninja replied stubbornly.

'You're dying.'

'I can still walk.' 

'Right. Cool. Inferno, are you alright with Wither there?' 

'I don't think he's going to die...' The half-demon replied, glancing at his best friend's body, biting his lip. 

'Good. Then we'll head through...'

'Excuse me?' Iskall got to his feet. EX grimaced. 

'This is going to go well...' he muttered.

'So you're telling me that I just have to ignore the fact that Mumbo, my BEST FRIEND, is dead, and just go through. Not forgetting that you also KILLED GRIAN.'

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