Chapter 9

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I'm so obsessed with last life I accidentally called this chapter episode 9...


I have too much adrenaline from last life this is crazy- 

Grian was slain by FalseSymmetry

The message appeared in chat below Xisuma's base, where Jevin, TFC and Joe stood. Neither of the three had anything to say. 

Grian was dead.

He was DEAD.

Straight up perma-dead. 

Not coming back. 


And False had killed him.

TFC merely shook his head, sighing. 

'I knew it. And I tried to tell him, but he wouldn't listen to me...'  

'Don't blame yourself. It's alright...' Joe tried to console him, though close to tears himself. 'Everything will be alright.' 

'I tried to tell him, and now he's dead!' 

Jevin watched them, waiting for anything in chat to tell him it was alright, that Grian had respawned but-

Suddenly, Jevin froze, sensing something... another PRESENCE in his mind. 


He was back...


Jevin tried to blink it away. Blink HIM away. He trod backwards into the jungle, hoping neither of the other hermits would notice him disappearing...

'Jevin? Are you alright?'

'What? I'm fine.'

'Really? Your hands are turning black.'

'A...are they?'

'Yeah... Jevin, are you sure you're ok?' Joe stepped forwards. Jevin backed away. Joe frowned with concern.

'Can I help you at...'

'GET AWAY FROM ME.' Snarled Viscous, breaking through Jevin's conscience. 'GET AWAY OR I'LL KILL YOU.'

'RUN!' Jevin flashed back again. 

'Jevin, if there's anything I can do to-'

Viscous slashed back, fully black, opaque, slime looking more like tar as it dripped slowly from his face and hands. Joe stumbled. Viscous pounced. 

Joehillssays was slain by ȉ̶̢̢̧̛̳̮̜͖͚̦̳̀̐͋͌̄͛̉̊͂̐̚̕͠J̶̺̼̞̞̣̘̙̊̂̾̒͑̇̏̌͋̍̊ę̵̛͔͔̩̽̋͂̌͒̌ͅv̷̢̰̝̪̭̘͎̞̣̹̾̿̀̈́̈́͌̌̎̍̏̓̐̎̚͘͜͜͜i̴̢̛̠͉̥̣̫̾̋͛̾̈͌͘ǹ̶͙̘̭͖̺͚͖̠̏͘̕ 

Jevin burst back into control again, dropping his sword like it was a spider, backing away slowly. TFC looked up at him, horrified. 

Jevin ran.


False looked around in horror as she realised what she'd done. She's just killed someone. And not just anyone... she'd killed Grian. She was a murderer. She'd killed another hermit. A friend. A bringer of chaos, and wars, and entertainment, and amazing builds and so much more. She'd just caused his death without even thinking about it. And for what? For a stupid cause she didn't actually believe in that much. For Evil X, a person she didn't know, didn't like, and didn't think should be trapped. Blood was steadily spilling across the floor, Grian's corpse in front of her. Jeff was kneeling by it, sobbing. No... not Jeff, Scar. Scar was here. He'd just had to watch his friend die. He'd watched HER kill him. What would he say? What was he thinking? She knew he knew she was a monster. Because she was. She was a murderer. A monster... a freak cursed with the abilities to cause suffering... 

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