Chapter 2

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Grian was one of the last to arrive in the shopping district. All the other hermits were gathered, several showing off their powers. Jevin was sat by a diamond tree, happily creating rainbow slimes; Stress was talking to a mooshroom, to much complaint from cat-Scar. Cub wasn't there, probably still exploring wherever his mystery portal took him this time. Xisuma stood up by the town hall. 

The Brit closed his wings mid-flight, unable to resist floating down to the ground to join the others, landing next to Mumbo. 

'Can I have everyone's attention please?' Xisuma called over the conversations. All the hermits looked over, including Scar-the-cat, and Tango, who had previously be juggling fireballs to entertain an excited Zedaph and a very worried Impulse. 'Good. Now... this is all my fault... I was messing around with the mods and didn't realise what they would do... My communicator broke... that's why Etho called the meeting for me.' Xisuma glanced over at the ninja, who nodded back, hands covered in ice. 

'I'm sorry but, why would you do something like that?!' Cleo interrupted, furious. 'We're not just guinea pigs to test weird stuff on.'

'I'm sorry! I didn't know it would actually cause the world to go to hardcore, or give you powers. Now, I want to compose a list of what powers we all have and...'

'Are we just skipping over the fact that if we die, we're dead forever? This is dumb, with extra dumb-sauce!' Tango burst out, hands almost setting on fire again. Impulse managed to calm him with a hand on his shoulder. 

'I didn't mean for this to happen! I'm already trying to fix it, but with a broken communicator... it isn't going well?'

'Where's Cub and Scar?' Joe called out suddenly. 'They know a lot about strange magic stuff, maybe they can help.'

'Scar's a cat, and Cub decided to arrive via portals that go to random places.' Grian sighed as he spoke. Cat-Scar meowed helpfully at the mention of his name.

 'So... a list of powers?' Xisuma asked feebly again. 


'Because I want to sort this out? Everyone, hear me out... please.'

'I can levitate...' Grian mentioned awkwardly. 

'Thank you. Anyone else?'

'No!' Tango stepped away, furious. 'I want everything to be normal again! I don't want to be stuck in a world where we all might die at any moment!'

'Tango, I know you're unhappy, but-'

'I'm omega strong, Stress can talk to animals, Scar can probably turn into different animals, or he's just stuck as a cat, Ren... probably has powers... Tango seems to be able to set stuff on fire, Jevin can make rainbow slimes, Cub can create weird portals to weird places... yeah... that's all I know.' Iskall finished.

'Anything else?'

'I can explode like a creeper?' Doc explained 'I did come back to life though... I don't know what that's about...' 

'Great. Now... I wanted to ask you something else. As some of you know, my brother EX...'

'Nu-uh. He's not coming back.' Impulse shot down the idea instantly. Keralis nodded in agreement. Hopelessly, Xisuma looked around, knowing they weren't going to listen to him. He should've said anything. He should've just left it with the apology. Of course they weren't going to accept EX! What was he thinking?! 

'Look. Everyone. I'm sorry. I'm really sorry.'

'Look, Xisuma, luv. I know you're trying to make it up to us, but we're not gonna allow an evil geezer into Hermitcraft, especially not now we could die forever at any moment.' Explained Stress as kindly as she could. Xisuma began to walk off.

'I know ya not going to listen to me...'

'I think you're right.' A voice broke through the muttering that had begun to rise up. The hermits looked over to see TFC. 'Evil X is our best hope of getting through this. I can see the future, I should know this kind of thing.'

Silence. Xisuma looked back. Most of the hermits looked unsure. Zedaph was trying to hide what his thought, despite the fact it was appearing in a rather comical thought bubble above his head, with him pushing EX into lava. Tango was staring at the ground. Jevin and all his many slimes were looking up at Xisuma. 

'Alright. Let's vote. All in favour of EX returning to help us?'

Several hermits rose their hands, including Grian, TFC and Jevin. Scar meowed something that was probably his vote in favour. Xisuma quickly counted. 

'That's enough. Now... can anyone... summon him?'

'Slash summon... Evil Xisuma...' Joe figured out quickly, typing in the command. There was nothing for a moment until...

A flash of lightning burst out next to Impulse, who let out a yell of shock, jumping away. A figure crouched there, and remained unmoving for a decent few seconds. He wore red and sandy-grey armour, identical to Xisuma's strider outfit. Ghost white hair, pale skin... he looked up to reveal red eyes with x-shaped scars slightly to the right of his face. A grey helmet was clutched in his hands. 

He stood up, still holding his helmet, and looked around. Some hermits stepped away. Others exchanged glances. EX met Xisuma's gaze and held it, furious but curious. 

'Why am I here?' He asked slowly. No response. Ren growled, almost ready to fight. Grian was next to him, wings up, prepared to hold back the half-dog if he did anything. EX let out an annoyed sound. 'I said-'

'I know what you said.' Xisuma interrupted, holding up a hand to calm down his furious brother. 'And we need your help.'

'I'm not helping you.'


'NO. I'm not helping you. That's my final answer. I'm not just going to help your little group of friends you chose over me.'

'Fine.' Xisuma turned his back. 'Someone stop him from escaping.'

'What?' Xamphe's shoulders rose. 'Brother, I'm not just...'

'I'm sorry. But we need help.'

'Hold on, we didn't agree to this.' Grian argued, stepping forwards. 'You're not going to trap your own brother.'

'Yeah, dude. That's messed up.' Ren agreed. Scar gave a yowl of agreement. 

'There's no right answer here!' Xisuma realised incredulously. 'You're going to hate me whatever I do!' 

'I'm willing to help if you give me something in return.' EX accepted reluctantly 'But I'm not being trapped in your base.'

'Fine. What do you want?'

The two brothers locked eyes, and Xamphe spoke again.

'The role of admin.'

'What?!' Tango blurted out. 'Xisuma, you're not going to accept that.'

'Tango, shut up.' Impulse interfered. 'This is Xisuma's decision, not yours.'

'Impulse, no one asked!' Tango snapped, grabbing rockets from his inventory. 'All of this is dumb, with extra dumbification! And I don't want any part in it!' He flew off, leaving a shocked quiet. 

'My deal still stands.' Xamphe held out his hand, as if wanting to shake. Xisuma stared at it. 

'Fine. But when I've fixed my communicator. It's broken.'

They shook hands. 

And the deal was made.

I never told you I was keeping everything the same...


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