Chapter 5

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My Brain: well, funny you should mention because...

Me: if you make a last life reference-

My brain: ...I've been hiding my inspiration here! *fails to find inspiration*

Me: *aggravated noises*

Evil Xisuma is now admin 

The message appeared in chat several days after the meeting. Wels was working on his base, constructing the roof of one of his buildings. He quickly finished, looking up at the sky. It was already getting dark, so he glided down, yawning, ready to head to sleep. In a hardcore world, night was fatal. But not everything was normal as he walked off. 

'Heading to bed?' A voice made him stop. A voice he'd tried to forget. Wels drew his sword.

'Hiding are we?'

'It's not just you little hermits that got magic powers. And Invisibility is very useful.'

Wels pulled out a shield in his second hand. Even though he couldn't be injured with actual weapons, it was still instinct to get one. Plus it would stop any explosives. 

'Why are you here?! I banished you to the nether, and then it reset.' 

'You're not the only one with a portal, Welsknight.' Wels stepped away, eyes narrow, hand gripping his sword tighter than normal. A laugh. 

'Scared?' The voice asked, the owner's smile clear from the sound alone. Wels turned towards it. 

'Are you?' 

A sword to his neck, and a hand pulling him back. Wels twisted out of the grip, slicing, and turned to face Helsknight.

'Finally. You're showing yourself.'

'Now, are we going to go for another rap battle, or actually fight each other?'

'I'd go for the latter.' The two began circling. Night had fallen, and the sound of monsters surrounded the safety of torchlight. 

'How predictable... shame you can't kill a shadow.' 

Hels disappeared again, laughing, before falling silent. Wels turned, looking for something say where he'd gone. Nothing. He held back a snarl of anger. 

'If you want to fight, you might as well stop hiding, and actually do it.' 

'I'm not hiding, Wels.' 

A whisper from just behind. Wels swung around, holding back his fear. 


Wels stumbled back at a shove from Hels. The dark knight appeared again, eyes narrowed.

'Happy now?' 

Wels sliced back quickly, sword hitting armour with a  resounding clang. He aimed another hit. Hels blocked, stabbing. His blade passed through his enemy without impact. A growl of fury.

'You're not the only one with magic, Hels.' Wels spat. 'You can't hurt me.' 

The knight stepped back, and faded to shadow again. Wels darted forward to stop him, but it was too late. 

'Fine. I'll stop you with TNT instead.' 

'TNT? Why would explosives work better than swords?' Wels taunted, pretending to be unafraid. 

'Want to go back to that rap battle idea? I mean, it would be easier for the author to write.'

'This isn't a story, Hels. It's the end of your life.'

He let loose an arrow in the direction of the voice. It missed, or Hels hid his injury well. Wels gripped his bow tighter, ready for fire another arrow. 

A hiss of TNT. Wels was about to turn when he was blown forward, rolling as he landed. There was a hole in the side of one of his buildings as he looked back. Hels grinned at him from just above. He let a shaky arrow fly, and he disappeared before it could hit. His back stung from the impact of the explosion, but got to his feet. 

'Turns out explosions do affect you. What a shame...' 

Welsknight: HELP AT MY BASE

Welsknight: HELS IS HERE

Two quick messages, enough for someone to see. Before he could react, another TNT was beside him, lit. He ran out the way, holding out his shield to block it. It didn't do much, and he collapsed backwards. Hels laughed from nowhere. Blood. Not much, but blood. Someone yelled Wels's name as another damned TNT blew him up, and the world turned black. 

Xisuma ran over, followed by EX and Jevin, the latter having just woken up and confirmed alright, though very disoriented. Hels had run away, refusing to show himself. Wels was bleeding to death in the middle of the base. Xisuma ran over, not noticing his hands begun to glow. He sunk to the ground next to the knight, EX just behind. 

'Hels, show yourself!' He yelled. There was an excited gasp. 

'Oh my goodness EXXY!' The knight appeared, leaping from the building. 'Can I get an autograph?!'



Xisuma ignored their conversations, more focused on the fact the glow was now surrounding Wels. Xamphe looked over. 

'I think you're keeping him alive...'

'I can't do this former... Do something to help! Jeez!' 

'I...' He turned to Wels, noticing his own hands turning pink. He held them aimlessly above the injuries, and they began to heal. Hels gave a disappointed look, before sighing and walking away. Jevin ran after, but he was gone before the slime could attack. Soon the injuries were barely visible, and certainly no longer able to kill. Xisuma stepped away from the now-alive Wels, panting.

'Well... I guess I can keep people alive... and you can heal them.'

'I... guess so.' Xamphe let his magic die down. Wels groaned, sitting up as he woke and looking around.

'What... happened? Wait- where's Hels?'

'He got away.' Jevin explained, putting away his sword. 'But at least you're alive.'

'How... am... I alive?' 

'Ability to stop hermits dying, ability to heal.' EX pointed to his brother and himself in torn. Wels nodded, understanding.

'That... makes sense. Now, what else is going on?'

ImpulseSV: FIRE!


ImpulseSV: HELP 

'Well that's not good...' Wels looked up from his communicator, concerned, at Xisuma and Xamphe. The former was glaring at the latter.

'If I find out you turned on fire tick...'

'Why would I do that?!' 

'We should get going.' Jevin called all of them back to attention. 'Before anyone dies.'

'Wels, are you alright to join us?'

'Once I've regained health, yes. Head off without me, I'll be there as soon as I can be.' 

Xisuma nodded, and flew off, followed by EX and Jevin, hoping that everything was alright. 

One and a half chapters in one! 

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