Chapter 12

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In the dark. 

In the cold. 

In a place that should've made him happy. 

The evil hermits had settled in Area 77. A place that he, Scar, had made. With Doc... Good memories of hanging out with him and stopping the hippies now mixed with the dark memories he'd got since being forced into here, down into the depths of the place he swore he'd lit, and trapped in one of the glass cages, alone in the darkness, abandoned. At least Xisuma was in here with him... apparently. Scar hadn't seen him, but Glitch had claimed there was a 'familiar friend' down here too. And he couldn't have meant villager Grian, or Jellie-clone whatever number it was. 

So he waited. 

And dreamed of safety. 

And thought on Cub's last words to him. The promise. The only promise that stopped Scar from giving up entirely. 

Scar, I will come back for you. I promise.

He wanted to believe it. More than anything. But no one had come yet, and he was beginning to think no one would. Every time someone arrived, it was another one of the evil hermits. So far he'd met Glitch, Inferno and Wither (Evil Tango and Impulse) and Dodskalle (evil Iskall). He hadn't met himself yet... and didn't want to. Nor Grian. 

Oh yeah... 

Grian was dead...

'Scar?' A voice came from upstairs, and Scar looked over to see Wither flying in. Inferno wasn't with him for a change, and Impulse's counterpart looked rather awkward. 

'Uhh... hi.'

'What do you want?'

'To... talk to you? And to apologise.'


'For what Glitch did. For trapping you in here.'

'You're on his side.' Scar pointed out icily. Wither sighed. 

'I know... but I don't want to be. Inferno does... and he's my closest friend... and I can't leave without him knowing.'

'You're down here apologising to me without him knowing.'

'Well, he's... asleep... now. It's night. But I wanted to talk to you and... now was a good time to...'

'Is Xisuma somewhere?'

'Yeah... don't worry, he's still alive. Glitch is trying to get information out of him... it isn't working.' Wither didn't look at Scar as he spoke, his pure-white wither eyes fixed on the ground, clawed hands fiddling and wings half raised. Scar raised an eyebrow.

'Can you set me free?'

'No! I mean... I want to, but Glitch will literally kill me if he finds out. He'll kill everyone if he finds out. Including Xisuma, and you if he finds you.' Wither's face filled with panic. 

'I'll give you reputation points if you do...' 

Wither looked confused, for a moment, amused by the offer.'

'Reputation points?'

'Yeah! You know, I give you reputation points, and you let me go.' 

Wither's perplexed look continued, but after a moment of hesitation he asked.

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