Chapter 3

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Note to self: DON'T travel through random portals - they don't go where you want them to

Not sure whether to summon another or not, Cub wandered through the season 6 world, feeling considerably stupid. Well, certainly more stupid than normal. 

He'd given up on using his own self-summoned portals, and was trekking through the lands, trying to remember where the Infinity Portal was. Right now he was lost somewhere in the shopping district, and when he passed Cherry Computers for the 6th time, sighed. He was getting nowhere. Literally. 

Walking around a bit more, beginning to ask himself when Concorp had actually got so many shops, Cub entered Tango's firework shop, stealing a stack of them. And though he knew there was no point, he left a diamond as payment. He turned to leave, and stopped. 

Some almost-hermit demon thing was standing in front of him, curious, watching. 'Almost-hermit', because it looked remarkably like Tango, with the same clothes, only torn, and the same gold hair and red eyes. 'Demon thing', because it also had black wings, a tail, and fangs. Cub stepped away, reaching for a sword.

'This... your shop?' He asked weakly. The creature approached. 

'I don't know.' 

A second demon thing jumped down, this one very similar to Impulse - black and yellow t-shirt and messy brown hair, plus the same wings, tail and fangs as not-Tango had, as well as pure black eyes. 

'Huh... two of you.'

Plan change. Break out of the shop and fly away. Don't engage combat. Just get out. 

Part of his new plan went well, and Cub ran outside. Part two didn't go well, since he apparently wasn't wearing an elytra. 

This is season 6, Cub. You know how you and Scar flew in season 6. 

A pair of half-transparent, half skeletal bluish-white wings flashed into being on his back, and the vexling took to their air, flying away towards safety. 

The first place of safety he could find was his base, also known as ConCorp. He landed, searching for an ender chest, his old stuff... anything. No time to remember how amazing this place looked, reminisce on all that he and Scar had done here... it didn't take him thing to figure out where he'd left everything, and glided over, finding everything, and a certain vex mask on top. He grabbed it, and the lab coat he'd left behind. Maybe there was something else helpful in the pockets? He pulled it on over his pharaoh garb, pocketed the vex mask, and took to the air again. The infinity portal was in Hermitville, wasn't it? Area 77- yes, that was right. He flew off again, finding a nether portal and quickly travelling over. The place was deserted )as far as he could tell) and the mysterious diamond portal right in the middle. Without much hesitation, he jumped through, back to Season 7. 

It was the day after the meeting, and Jevin's enjoyment at creating multicoloured sentient balls of slime had not worn off yet. His base had practically been invaded by them, which he didn't mind, though it did make things harder when it came to building. 

'Jiggle, I know you like me, but you don't always need to be next to me, ok?' Jevin sighed to a very affectionate purple slime. The creature backed off slightly, letting off sad slime noises. The human-shaped slime among them shot into the air, landing on the wall he was halfway through constructing, placed a shulker box of materials, and continued building. He worked for a long time, content with his progress, when a Falsesymmetry shaped shadow glided overhead, attempting to land without disturbing any of the slimes.

'Hey, Jevin...' She called over. The blue slime turned, waving.

'Hey, False!'

'You've been... busy?' 

Jevin looked sheepishly down at his army of friends, then back at False.

'Yeah... man, it's so much fun though. And they won't attack, like the 'normal' slimes do.'

False landed in the only gap she could find. 

'Well... each to their own.'

Jevin glided down, calling for the slimes to give them space as he landed. He smiled.

'So... what's going on?'

'Not much. I discovered my power, by the way.'

'What is it?'

'I'm... too good at fighting. I don't think I can lose.'

'Huh... want to test that?' Jevin reached his his sword, but stopped as False let out a panicked 'no!'

'I'll end up killing you. Seriously. I fight, and then I don't stop until my opponent has run away, or is dead. I need to tell Xisuma about it.'

'Or EX...'

'Or EX. Did you vote for him joining or not?'

'For. I mean... he's not too bad? And I have an army to protect myself.' Jevin looked around at the slimes again. False followed his gaze.

'Yeah... you certainly do. Now, should we go to Xisuma's base now or...'

'Stay where you are.' Jevin's eyes grew black as he spoke. False stepped away. 


'I am not Jevin. I am Viscous.'

'Jevin, snap out of this. Please. I don't want to fight you.' False fumbled for her sword. Viscous knocked it out of her hands, slowly fading from blue to black. The blonde gulped, knowing she was defenseless, before taking to the air. Vicious ran after, but the slimes got in the way, desperately holding him back, whether intentionally or not. He howled for her to return, unable to get any further, as False shot as far away as she could, towards Xisuma's base. 

'Xisuma- I need help. Jevin's... gone wrong.' False landed in the largest tower of her admin's base. Xisuma was there, as was Xamphe, the latter sitting rather sullenly in what looked like a cage in the middle of the room, fiddling with his brother's broken communicator. 


'Something's happened to Jevin. Some kind of evil slime creature has taken over his mind. It called itself Viscous.'

'Stay here with my brother. And don't let him out.'

'Why is he in a cage anyway?'

'It's a precaution. I'll be back as soon as I can be.' 

Xisuma flew away quickly, and False turned to his brother. 

'So. You're False, right?'


'I'm Xamphe.' 

'Good to know... why are you in there?'

'Like my brother said. It's a precaution. In case I decide to kill someone.' EX laughed sadly. 'Maybe he'll trust me at some point.' 

'Hopefully.' False looked away, out at the jungle beyond Xisuma's base. 

'Do you trust me?'

'No, but I don't think you deserve this.'

'That's good... maybe you can encourage my good old brother to change his mind.'

'Maybe...' False sighed, tired, as she waited for Xisuma to return.

Ehh... bad ending... 

But I have ideas for more of the story! 

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