Chapter 15

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I uhh... this took ages to do. 

And I'm writing this before I've rewritten any of it. 

The hermits met by the town hall the following day, dressed in armour and ready to go. As before, Jevin wasn't there, but someone had convinced Bdubs to come, though he stood in silence,  clearly not wanting to share why he'd been hiding. Cub and EX stood in front of them, with Wither and Inferno just beside. 

'So, the plan.' EX began. 'We split into four groups. Wither, Impulse, Hypno, Cleo, Wels, Iskall, and Bdubs, you're the first wave. Get in, and distract. When Wither signals you, Inferno, you'll lead Tango, xB, Keralis, False and Mumbo in after. TFC, Stress, Etho and Beef, you follow, build defences, and set up a safe zone around the portal. Once it's done, someone come through to let  me, Cub, Ren and Doc know we can come through and wait until they're all distracted and we can find Scar and Xisuma and get out. Once we're out, one of us will make a large dramatic currently undecided thing happen. Does everyone understand.' 

'I don't know if psychic power works when both of us are in different worlds.' Wither sheepishly asked. 

'We probably should've checked that. Uhh... can we do it now? Does it work between nether and here?'

'Yes, but that's not the same. And we can't exactly check until it's too late.' Inferno added. 

'Well, that's dumb!' Tango burst out. 'Who thought of that plan!? It's dumb, with extra dumb!' 

'Tango, please. EX is trying his best.' Impulse replied. 'This is the best idea we've got.'

'It's still stupid.'

'I agree with less-cool me.' Inferno crossed his arms. Tango nodded.


'This is our plan. We don't have time to change it. We need to get Xisuma and Scar back.'

'Why?! Xisuma's not admin any more, and Scar would just die in 5 minutes anyway!' Tango snapped. 

'Ouch.' EX muttered.

'They're our friends.' Cub replied evenly. 'We can't let them be kept captive forever. We can't give up on them. And besides, I made a promise to Scar that we'd get him back.'

'Scar's done nothing so far except help kill Grian and get captured by the evil guys!'

'Scar's our FRIEND.' Ren snarled. 'We're getting him back.'

'And it's not like you've done much except kill Zedaph, burn down your base and mope about it.' 

'Right, I'm out.' 

'Tango, please- just- Doc didn't mean it! Tango! Come back!' 

'SHUT UP, IMPULSE!' Tango spat, turning back. Impulse stopped. The two stared at each other before Tango pulled out a bunch of rockets and flew off. 

'Well that went well...' Inferno sighed. 'Anyone else going to leave?' 

Doc glanced over at Bdubs, in on whatever had been going on with him. No one moved. Cleo crossed her arms. 

'We all agreed. Let's just do this, and hope it works.' 

Area 77 was silent. The evil hermits were resting, and enjoying themselves, though a guard still stood at the infinity portal, standing there, watching, as Wither appeared.

'What the f**k are you doing here?' 

'Wait, wait, wait- Badtimes, don't tell anyone. Please.' Wither quickly shut him up. 'I have diamonds. You can have them, just don't tell anyone. I want to come back. I've been staying with the normal hermits and- I can't deal with it. They're just so good.'

'What would you expect- I mean, no s**t Sherlock, our good sides are good?!'

'They were planning an attack and- they wanted me to join them.' Wither let out a short laugh. 'So I said I would...'

'And...?' Badtimes crossed his arms. A snake slithered onto his shoulder, and the half-wither stepped back.

'And... it turns out you're a gullible as Scar.' 

In an instant, Wither attacked. His sword swung, hitting Badtimes. There was a hiss of pain as he collapsed, staring up as blood seeped down his half-scaled face. 

'I'm not like you guys.' Non-Impulse snarled. 'You've kept me trapped here for too long. I never asked for this. I never asked for ANY of it. And now you're going to pay.' 

The rest of his group appeared, perfectly timed, as planned. Badtimes yelled a warning, scrambling away, getting to his feet. Wither faced him, as the others ran by. Arrows fired from both sides, Hypno vs himself. It didn't take long for other the evil hermits to appear. Wels fought True, Cleo fought spider-Cleo, Iskall fought a half-ice, half-fox version of Etho, and Keralis fought what first seemed to be some zombie version of Beef, but later turned into himself. Wither still battled Badtimes, and managed to knock him unconscious, sending a psychic message back to Inferno. A few moments passed, and the second group appeared. 

It seemed like the idea of two waves had been shared by both teams, since another group of anti-hermits came with them. Evil Stress and Beef both showed their faces, falling into their own fights with Inferno and Bdubs. Mumbo ran into the fight, intending to help Keralis, but was stopped by a robot of himself and- Grian? Same shaggy mousy-brown waffle hair, same red sweater and grey trousers, but a white mask covered his face, his clothes were torn, and his wings - which had normally been the same colour of elytra, were dark purple. 

Watcher Grian dived down, and Mumbo screamed, almost crashing into xB as he joined Hypno in shooting themselves. Wither flew past to help Impulse at the same time, hitting the ground. 

'How's it going?' He called. His non-wither counterpart swept a mass of hair of his face.

'Alright... just sent Ren's demise skin running...'

'Oh, Grimdog's here?' 

'Apparently... but I gave him a good few injuries. How's everything else going?'

'No deaths, as far as I can see. Most people are just fighting themselves, which is alright. We don't seem to be too outnumbered... you seen Glitch anywhere?' 

Impulse shook his head, just as harming potion hit him. He turned, trying to spot the sender.

'Oh, that would be Zee.'

'Who?!' Impulse asked, though he'd already figured it out.

'I think you call him Zed... or Zedaph?'

Both Impulses looked at each other for a moment. Wither half-folded his wings with concern.=

'Wait... didn't Doc say something about Zedaph dying...?'

'Yeah. He...' Impulse was forced to look away as Zee came in with more potions. Harming. Poison. Slowness. He backed away, but didn't fight back. Anti-Zedaph looked almost exactly like Zedaph had, but wore a torn lab coat and had slightly crazier hair. 

'Impulse? I would recommend attacking right now...'

'I... I can't hurt him... I can't kill my friend...'

'IMPULSE!' Wither flew forwards in panic as Zee drew a sword, taking the blow himself, collapsing on the ground. Impulse looked between him and not-Zedaph, before running, unaware of Glitch watching him, safely out the way, eyes narrowed with intrigue. Gazing across the entire fight- at the healing area set up by the entrance, at all the fights, fallen and fighting hermits and non-hermits, before disappearing. 

*pretends xey can write endings*

*pretends this didn't take 2 months to write*

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