Chapter 25

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This chapter might be more wholesome than the last one...




There was a moment of comprehension needed upon the cave starting to fall in. Inferno was the first to start running, followed by Wither. Behind them, everything was chaos. 

Still exhausted from the fight with Viscous, Scar hobbled across the room, Cub running to join him, helping him walk, also in a similar state, if worse. Xamphe watched them, distracted by making sure Xisuma was on his feet, alright, ready to go. Stress blinked in the middle of the room, confused, but Iskall grabbed her hand and basically dragged her outside before anything could happen to her, Hypno Beef and Wels close after. 

Cleo waited just at the exit, not knowing whether to help or save herself. False looked around, noticing Tango just standing there. Viscous still sat against the wall, laughing.

'Such a shame... The little hermits got out.' 

'Oh, shut up slime boi.' Cleo snapped back. 'Tango, come on. We need to leave.'


'Come on!' False urged too.


'TANGO, we're not letting you die!' A chunk of the roof fell off right near where Tango was standing. He still didn't move. With a nod at Cleo, False grabbed his arm, dragging him out of the way, right as the back half of the cave, where he'd just been standing, fell in. 

'GET OFF ME!' Tango snarled, wrenching his way out of the blonde's grip, but he ran out of the cave anyway. Cleo and False followed, with the Convex reaching the exit just behind. Now happy that everyone was safe, Xamphe walked over to safety, pulling his exhausted brother along with him, right as Viscous attacked.

The slime grabbed Xisuma's other arm, dragging him into the cave. Before he could follow, Cub held Xamphe back, watching in horror as the rest of the cave collapsed on their admin.

'No- NO! PLEASE!' The other brother howled, 'No...' he fell to his knees. 'No... this isn't happening. This hasn't happened.'

'There... there was nothing we could do.' Scar replied, holding back the tears and failing. 'There was nothing we could do.'

'Oh my goodness... Xisuma's dead.' Cub paced up and down the entrance of the cave. 'Holy smokes, he's gone.' He let out a short laugh 'Oh notch this is bad.' 

Cleo ran into view around the corner, stopping at the sight of the trio. 

'Guys- chat just said that- Xisuma.'

'We know.' Scar whispered back. 'Oh we know...'

'You should come out. I don't know how stable the rest of this place is.'

'I'm staying.'

'EX, it's for your safety...'

'Well, I don't f***ing care about my safety!' The once-evil hermit spat as he turned around. 'So leave me alone and let me be upset.' 

'Scar, let's go.' Cub helped his friend to his feet. With a final glance back at the fallen in cave, he began walking out, Cleo keeping in time with them. EX didn't move. Didn't even flinch as the ceiling began to crack. And break. And...

'XAMPHE NO!' Scar screamed, twisting and about to sprint back into the cave. Cub grabbed his collar just in time, and he was forced to stop, right as everything collapsed. 

'Scar... we need to get out of here.' The vexling murmured. 'We're not safe in here.'

But they were right near the exit anyway, the blinding light of sunset the other direction. False ran over.

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