Chapter 14

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Inferno joined the game

WitherSV joined the game

Impulse was the first to see the messages when they appeared in chat. At first he read over them.

And then he realised.


Who even were they? He didn't know this person. Or why they shared an 'SV' at the end of their names. Because they did. Were they secret brothers? Was it a fan? Was it someone complete irrelevant to him? It was unlikely, since no one else had been whitelisted as far as he know. Therefore, there was only one option left.

His evil alter ego. The one Cub had told everyone about. The demon one. With a shaky sigh, Impulse grabbed his sword, and a couple of golden apples and potions. He was ready for a fight if it came for it. He took some rockets, and flew off, out of his base and over the shopping district. They would spawn on the spawn island if they were new, surely. Sword ready to strike, Impulse dived down towards spawn, landing in the water just behind. Good. He wouldn't be noticed.

Sure enough, two half-demon players were there, one like him, and the other similar to Tango. Wither and Inferno. Impulse swam silently to the shore. The two non-hermits were looking away, meaning he could easily get up, ready to swing. Sword in one hand, rockets in the other. Fight or flight. Literally.

The demon turned, and Impulse forgot everything he was supposed to be doing, freezing. Wither was EXACTLY like him. Terrifyingly similar. Except Wither had glowing white eyes, black wings, and torn clothes. Impulse gulped, smiling awkwardly.

'Uhh... hi?'

'Is this Season 7?'


'Good. And you are?'


'I'm supposed to be the evil you, I think. But I'm not evil. I'm not like the others.'

'The... others?'

'Wither, what are you doing?' Inferno growled, glaring at Wither. 'We can't trust him!'

'I am very trustworthy, actually!' Impulse replied defensively. 'You can trust me!' 

'Still don't believe you...'

'W...why are you here?' Impulse asked, attempting to sound threatening and failing. 'If you're here to attack us, I'll stop you.'

'We're not.'

'Wither did something stupid and then ended up exiling both of us.'

'Exiling you? From where?' Impulse let down his guard, curious. 

'From the non-hermit's camp.'

'Because SOMEONE let Scar go.'

'He offered me reputation points! And a no kill pass.'

'Wait.. Scar? You know where Scar is?'

Wither and Inferno both looked at Impulse, clearly regretting saying that. The hermit pursued the topic.

'You're going to tell me where Scar is!' He pointed his sword at Wither. The demon impulsively held up his hands in surrender.

'Wither, stop being an idiot!'

'But I'm good at it!' Protested Wither. 

'Where is he? In fact, all of the hermits are going to meet up, and you're going to tell us.'

'I knew this was a trap!' Inferno's wings raised in fear. 'Wither, you IDIOT!'

'Oh, you don't like that, do you? I can still do it... just need to press send and...'

Inferno barrelled into Impulse. The shovel-shuffling hermit somehow managed to get out the way in time. 

'Woah. You don't get to attack me like that, ok? We're going to call the other hermits and tell them who you are, and that you know how to get our friends back.' 

'Fine.' Wither agreed. Inferno crossed his arms. 

'I'm not going to do what you say.' 

'Inferno, just accept it.' 


'Great! Now that's sorted, let's get over to the shopping district and wait for the others!' Impulse grinned brightly. He sent the message and flew off. With a furious glance at Wither, Inferno followed, his close friend just behind.

It didn't take long for the hermits to gather. Jevin still wasn't there, but False was. Impulse stood in front of them all, Wither and Inferno looking awkward behind. Tango quickly noticed his not-so-evil self.

'Hang on, why is mr-evilificator here?' He protested furiously. 'I never allowed him to be here.'

'Tango, he's here to help us. Both of them are.' Impulse looked at the ground as the hermits exchanged dubious glances. 

'How do we know we can actually trust them, dude?' Asked Ren warily. Doc nodded

'Because they did not attack me. In fact, they were scared of me.'

'Yeah... we were.' Wither added helpfully. 


'And they know where the others are?' Cub queried. 

'So we can get back shashwammy?' 

'Yes! They do. Wither?' Impulse turned to his alter ego. 

'They're hiding in what you hermits called 'Area 77'. The big military area with aliens.' 

'Well, this makes things easier.' Ren noted. 'Given that it's one of the only places in Season 6 that we've already had to invade.'

'And I know my way around it.' Doc added.

'So we can head in, get back our friends, and return before they even know we were there. It's foolproof.'

'Even if... we're... the fools?' Mumbo asked nervously. 


'This isn't going to work.' Tango added pessimistically. 'We're just all going to end up dead.'

'But... it's worth a try? Wither and Inferno can help us get in and out, False and Wels are now even better at fighting. Doc knows the way around. Me and Ren know the underground tunnels... Cub and Xamphe can get back Xisuma and Scar and we'll be out in no time, no casualties.'

'I agree with Tango.' Inferno crossed his arms. 'This is going to fail.' 

'If the person that's literally supposed to be my opposite agrees with me, this has to fail!' Tango reasoned almost hysterically. 'This is dumb with extra dumbsauce! I'm not doing this!'

'Fine. Anyone else?' 

'I'll go.' Wither raised his hand with a tentative excitement.

'I'm going.' False agreed. 

'Me too.' Cub joined in. Cleo looked over at him. 

'And me.' 

'Anyone else?'

Slowly and unsurely, most of the hermits agreed to help, including a very reluctant Tango. Impulse smiled with relief.

'Then tomorrow we'll meet up here and get back our friends!' 

'Let's do this!' Wither let out excitedly. 'Let's go and save Hermitcraft!'

Heh... I had no idea how to end this...

But two chapters in one day is good!

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