Chapter 19

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Cub watched as Cleo flew into the pyramid. She glided down, into the central area. Scar stood nearby, having just been speaking with his friend, seeing the zombie land.

'Hey, Cleo!' He called with a smile.

'Hey...  Cub? You said something before the battle about talking with TFC about Joe's... death...' 

'Oh my goodness, Joe's dead?' Scar asked, one hand over his mouth. Cleo nodded back. 

'Yeah. I'm guessing you're ready to do it now. Recovered enough after... Keralis? And... everything.'

Cleo sighed back, shrugging. 'I will. But we need to do this.' 

'Alright. Scar, I'll see you around.' 

'But we were just talking...?' 

'This is more important. Don't worry. Cleo won't kill me.'


Scar looked between the two, looking away. 

'Fine. See you later.' 

Cleo waved goodbye, taking to the air again. Cub followed, vex wings appearing behind him as he flew off, out of the pyramid, leaving Scar alone. 

'Where's TFC's base again? Haven't really had time to visit the other hermits much with all the stuff going on.' the vexling asked as they passed Ren's base.  

'It's near Tango's... I'll lead the way.' Cleo shot off ahead, and Cub followed behind, across the jungle, ocean, and cow-mercial district. Soon the all too familiar burnt remains of Tango's base came into view, and the start of TFC's skyscraper behind. 

'Damn... I'd forgotten how bad this is...' Cub stared down as they crossed the ruined Toon Towers. Cleo nodded.

'Yeah... he's been through a lot, Tango. With Zedaph and Impulse...' The zombie trailed off, diving down. Cub followed, landing a moment after. 

'He'd probably be in his strip-mine.' Cleo explained. 'The entrance is somewhere around here...' The zombie looked around, Cub's gaze following hers. 'Don't know where...'

But before they had any more time to search themselves, a gargled shriek shattered the atmosphere. Cleo ran towards the sound. 

'This is not good. This is really not good.' Cub sprinted along after, one hand itching for the mask in his pocket. 'Why has someone attacked him?!' 

Ahead, in the beginnings of the eldest hermit's skyscraper, lay TFC's almost-corpse. And behind, Jevin, slowing transforming back from viscous, a look of utter horror on his face.

'I... I just came to talk to him! Explain what happened before. With Joe. And he- Viscous- came out and killed him. There was nothing I could do-' The slime sobbed, backing away. Cub frowned.

'Please, Cleo, Cub, believe me. I didn't want to kill him. I didn't want to kill anyone else-'

'Give me the word and I'll break both his legs, and his arms, and make his life a living hell.' Cleo muttered. Cub held her back.

'I understand.' The pharaoh replied. 'We can cover for you if anyone asks. We can explain that it wasn't your fault-'

TinfoilChef was slain by ḭ̹̬͑̂̓J̤̤̳̉̉̓e̫͒v̨̡̮̳̪͛̃͌̓͡ĭ̡͈͕͔͔̙͊́̾̉̽͐͜n̋

Jevin growled defensively as Cleo stepped forwards, ready to draw a sword. 

'Cleo, I'll deal with him. You go.'

'I'm not letting him get away with this. He's now murdered 2 friends in cold blood and-'

'Silence, zombie.' Viscous snarled, Jevin's eyes turned pitch black. Cub all but dragged Cleo away. 

'Get out, I'll deal with it.' He repeated firmly.' 

Vintagebeef: Something's happened to Bdubs. I need help. 

Vintagebeef: Now

'Cleo, go and help VintageBeef.' Cub repeated, growing more desperate and angry every second. Cleo nodded, and finally ran off, taking to the air and flying off towards spawn.

She landed right next to the townhall, running in. Etho's body was there, forgotten, Beef watching Bdubs as he sat in the middle of the room. 

From the entrance he looked almost normal, and Cleo frowned, hoping it wasn't some stupid joke. But the look on Beef's face said otherwise. 

'Cleo- oh my goodness thank you- Bdubs was sleeping and he just basically started sleepwalking, except it was more like sleep fighting, and I tried to wake him, but he just started talking about dying in the dream-world and never waking up... what should I do?!'

'Uhhh... he looks ok now? What happened then?'

'I just told him to sit down and try to relax. He stopped struggling and just decided to obey, which shows he's somewhat aware of the real world... he's not lying. I... can tell if people are lying...' 

'Right. Ok.' Cleo walked past, standing next to Beef, head tilted to the side and arms crossed. 'Are his eyes normally exuding weird green smoke?' 

'Bdubs? Are you ok?' Beef questioned desperately, crouching down at the sleeping hermit's level. His eyes flashed open, bright green, exactly like a phantom's.

'He won't let me go.' He whimpered. 'He's going to keep killing me, and force me to stay here.'

'Cleo, can you help? At all?'

'I don't know! I don't know what this is. Or if there's anything we can do.'

'I also saw that Jevin killed TFC... do you know what's going on there?'

'Something that Cub's sorting out. Hopefully. He hasn't died yet, which is a good thing.'

'Hmmm... alright. We can let him sort that out...' 

'Phantom, please...' Before the conversation could continue, Bdubs's pleading brought them back to their own situation. 'Please... I've done nothing wrong.' 

'Bdubs, Bdubs, can you hear us?' Cleo desperately tried to look the small hermit in the eyes, but he clearly couldn't see her, or tell she was there at all. 'If you understand me, nod once.' 

Cleo waited for a response. Nothing. Bdubs looked on blindly into the middle-distance. 

'Please- don't leave me here- Phantom no- PHANTOM PLEASE THIS ISN'T FAIR DON'T DO THIS,' Bdubs suddenly stood up, and Cleo scrambled away as he ran for something that none of them could see. Beef got quickly out the way as he collapsed against the all, clawing at the wall.

'WHAT THE HECK IS HAPPENING OVER HERE?!' Inferno burst into view. 

'Uhhhh we don't exactly know...' Cleo looked at Bdubs. The demon's eyes widened at the sight.

'So Phantom's actually found a way to break into dreams, huh?'

'Wait, wait, wait you know what's going on?!'

'Yeah, Bdubs's evil identity, Phantom. He wanted to break into Bdubs's dreams and trap him in them, seem that it worked.'

'Can we stop him?' 

'I don't know...' Inferno grimaced, still looking at Bdubs. 'But I think he might be stuck like this forever.'

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