Chapter 27

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It had been remarkably easy to escape from where the evil hermits had trapped him. After their fight, and his failure to fight, Vex had shoved Cub into one of the glass cages in Area 77 and run off. And then not too long after, the entire area around the box had fallen in, right where Vex had gone. 

Then he'd waited. For ages. No communication, no information, just waiting until the evil hermits had forgotten he was there, or at least until he was certain they wouldn't look for him.

Then he'd removed the vex mask from his pocket, hesitated way too long about what Scar would think if he used the magic, put it on, and fazed through the wall and into safety.

Now free from the confines of whatever weird magic had stopped him from breaking blocks, Cub had broken out of the half-fallen area, to the surface. 

Eavesdropping had told him of Ren and Impulse also being stuck, but also that Scar and Xisuma had made it safely away. Next port of call, rescuing them, and then he could return to Season 7 and relax. 

A surprising amount of time later, Cub stood at the Season 7 spawn, with Impulse and Ren, both of whom looked like they'd given up hope of escape and were eternally thanking him, and asking what had happened. 

Then the next apparent problem arose.

ZombieCleo: Cub?! What? 




Cubfan135: what happened? 

Falsesymmetry: a lot, but most importantly someone we thought was you 

Falsesymmetry: I think he was last with Scar

'Scar?! What? No no no... this isn't good...' 

'Cub? What's happening, dude? Why are they talking like there are two of you.' 

'It must be- oh holy smokes that's not good. I need to go. Now. Bye.' 

Without another word, Cub snatched some rockets from a chest someone had left there, flying into the air on elytra he was very glad to be wearing, towards the jungle. If Vex saw chat... if he knew his cover had been blown.

Scar was in danger.

It wasn't Cub.

It wasn't Cub.

It wasn't Cub.

It wasn't Cub.



He was right.

He'd been right all along. 

He'd known something was wrong. 

And now? 

He was in danger. 

'I TRUSTED YOU!' Scar whipped around, drawing a sword before he even knew what was going on, trying to stop the tears down his face, the fact he was stumbling backwards, towards the bushes. 

'I thought my cover was blown long ago... turns out you're as gullible as Glitch said you would be.' Cub laughed. Not Cub. Very not Cub. 

'Who are you?' Came the whimpered reply.

'Call me Vex. I suppose everyone will know it's me soon enough... should stop pretending now, shouldn't I?'

With a laugh, skeletal wings shot from Vex's back, blue growing down his hands and becoming sharpened claws. With one, he pulled the notch-damned mask from his pocket and put it on, becoming the grinning, soulless monster Scar should've known he was. A silver sword swung into existence in his other hand. Vex stepped towards Scar.

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