Chapter 20

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Damn it I've already gone off the plan for what I'm writing... 

Anyway, let's pretend I've got anything under control...

'Xisuma?' EX entered his brother's storage area. TFC's death was still visible in chat, Beef's call for help just below. Everything was slowly getting worse and the former-admin, still dad-min of the server had taken to hiding and freaking out about everything. 'I know you're worried about- well, everything, but you need to actually look after yourself too, you know?'

'I'm fine.' X turned around, his statement instantly revoked by his appearance. His helmet was off, discarded next to him, and his eyes were ringed with black and red from crying and lack of sleep. The scars crossing his face fully visible, purplish freckles scattered across it. His hair was a mess, untied and tangled around his shoulders, the curls of deep chestnut brown limp and dull. He refused to keep his brother's attempted eye contact, vision flickering with his worry. EX stepped towards him. 

'You're not fine. You need rest, and to relax. Everything will be alright. Do you think a bomb's going to go off if you close your eyes for more than a second?!' Xamphe attempted to joke, but the evident concern in his voice dampened the humour. 

'I'm fine. Seriously.' 

'I'm your older brother, X. I know when you're stressed, and I know when you've gone beyond stressed and are slowly going insane with all the pressure. I can take over for you if you want. I did alright at it before.' 

'Elex, I said I'm fine.' Xamphe stopped at the sound of his given name. 'You're the one worrying too much. I'll be fine, I just... I just need to sort something out.' 


'I'm trying to compile a list of everyone's powers and their evil identity, whether they're alive, any ways of keeping track of everything that's going on...' The admin sat down. 

'Xisuma Evander Void, you worry way too much for your own good.' EX joined him, taking a seat on the table. 

'Elex Xamphe Void you don't understand what I'm going through.' Xisuma shot back, shaking his head as he tried to rescue his papers. 

'Yeah I do.' Xamphe snatched a sheet of scribbles from his younger brother. 'Damn... I thought your handwriting was better than this.'

'It's shorthand.' Xisuma retorted, snatching it back. 'And it's not galactic, so I can't write it as well.' 

'Fair. I mean... you could write in galactic. It's not like anyone else will read it.' Reasoned Xamphe, crossing his arms as his eyes scanned for more stuff he could steal. 

'I was going to show the others a finished list.'

'Well that's not going to work if this is your writing.' Retorted EX, holding up a sheet of barely decipherable letters. 'Seriously, sleep. Now.'

'It's daytime.'

'It's midnight.' EX replied, tone even and worried. 'Sleep.'

'Just... 5 more minutes.' 

'Zero more minutes.' Tired of his brother's constant stresses over everyone except himself, Xamphe jumped off the table, pulling X to his feet and towards the bed on the other side of the room. 'Or I free all the bees in your bee farm.'

'Not my bees...' 

'Then sleep.' Xamphe signalled at the bed, as though his brother was five again. 'I can read you a bedtime story if you want... I think I remember some of the ones our father told us.' 

'No need. I'm fine.' 

'And I'm staying until you're fast a- never mind, he's asleep already.' Xamphe watched as his brother collapsed on the bed, instantly snoring. He snatched up the blankets, covering X with them. 'Goodnight, brother.' He smiled fondly, before leaving the room. 

'Hels, we need to talk.' Wels trod through his base, sword sheathed but within reach, trying to spot sight of his alternate self. 

'Oh great! We're doing another rap battle!' Hels appeared in view on one of the roofs. Wels hid a sigh of regret.

'No. I want to know about the other evil hermits.'

'Them? Why them?' The normally chaotic brother suddenly became serious. 'And why do you expect me to know anything?'

'Because you're evil and look like me. So, you have to be related.' 

'I know them. I... talked to them. Was one of them. Heck, they even live in Hels, my home.' Helsknight jumped down from the roof, walking over to Wels. The other knight took a step back, refusing to be scared. 'But then I left. Because they were annoying, stupid, and didn't care about me. Plus they kidnapped a small robot demon Grian child. It was four foot and something out of nightmares.' 

'Tell me more.' Wels crossed his arms. 


'So we can fight them.'

'You're not going to fight them. Again. You'll end up dead. Or driven out of your mind with their insanity. You think the other hermits are a dysfunctional family?!' Hels laughed coldly as he spoke.

'So they're stupid.'

'Not always. They are clever, and dangerous.' 

'But insane. That's always a good combination...'

'Exactly. So if you want some advice I'd stay out of it. Though I suppose the author wants some more conflict in this book.'

'Oh great I definitely missed the nonsense from you...'

'It's not nonsense. It's breaking the fourth wall.' 

'What about Glitch? How much do you know about him?' Wels cut sharply back to topic.

'Don't mess with him, don't fight him, don't make an enemy of him. He's impossible to kill, or hurt, or ban. He's beyond the universe, basically. So glitched up that he's invulnerable. He's the one that brought everyone together out of whatever world they're originally from, forced me to let them stay in the Hels, and watched his empire grow.'

'So there are lots of them?'

'More than you'll interact with. There are some for people in other servers too, and a few stayed behind in the Hels... I know Robot Grian and NPG did, thank Hels, and Dream's one is too busy taking his place on what was supposed to be Dream's own server. (Hehe DSMP headcanons) So there will probably be one evil identity for each hermit. Though some attack in other ways, through mind control and stuff, and I'm not on their side any more.'

'Wow... that's a lot of bad people.'

'Kill Glitch and they'll all start killing each other. Everything will turn to chaos, lines will be drawn, and they'll be too busy dealing with their civil war to hurt you. But, as I said before...'

'...You can't kill Glitch.' Wels finished, mind going through everything Hels had said. 'Then what do we do?'

'Fight back if they attack back, and hope for the best.'

'And... why are you telling me this? Why aren't you attacking me?'

'Because you hermits aren't the only ones who want to stop them...' Hels began to walk off, before stopping. 'And... Wels?'


'Tell me if you do attempt to kill Glitch. I wouldn't want to miss out on finally getting revenge.' Hels faded into the shadow, turning invisible as he left Wels alone, confused but buzzing with all the new information.

Damn, this was easy to write...

*checks plan*

Hmmmm but I don't know how the next chapter is going to go...

I mean, I could swap some stuff around or...


This was fun to write

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