Chapter 23

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Hehe I'm looking forward to this oneeeeee

Actually more the next one.

But this one too.

And I don't know how to get to the situation.

But I will.


Scar woke as sun rose, yawning and climbing out of bed. After a moment of figuring out where he'd actually gone to sleep, grabbed his rockets, knowing what he was going to do. 

After a moment of hesitation, he grabbed a sword too, and a couple of potions. If this were to go wrong...'

He took off, flying over the jungle, trying not to look at the many unfinished bases... The green disappeared into the sands of Ren's Star Wars base, over the Mesa, towards the desert Cub's base stood in, gliding down and landing smoothly just inside. 

'Scar! Hey!' Cub was there, standing near where he was, clearly about to go somewhere. 

'Where are you going?' Scar asked, crossing his arms in what he thought was a casual way. Cub frowned.

'Trying to stop Viscous with Jevin... he wanted me to help him.'

Unconvinced Scar shrugged, hiding his suspicions. 

'I'll come too. I'll get a couple of wizard books on the topic... where are you planning to go?'

'There's a cave near Xisuma's base with enough space in case anything goes wrong.'

'Specific.' Scar noted.

'Yeah, I thought so too... your base is on the way there, so we can fly off together.'

'Sure...' Scar let Cub take the lead, following after and noting that the other vexling was still using the vex wings to fly. 'Still using the wings I see.'

'Easier that elytra.' Cub replied, as if that covered it. With a sigh, Scar decided against pursuing the topic. It hadn't gone well before. 'The snail's yours, right?' 

'Yeah...' The pair flew down towards the water, Scar landing moments sooner. About to find his stuff, he stopped. 'You wait here. I'll be back in a moment.' 


He entered Larry, skidding down the ladder into the basement. There were his chests, where he kept all his private stuff... he opened and closed a few, gathering a few useful books. He opened another, near the entrance, and paused for a moment, before lifting out his vex mask. Should he bring it? He wouldn't need it, right? Even if Viscous tried to attack him.

I guess if Cub broke our promise I can too.

If it even is Cub...

Scar shook away the thoughts. It had to be. Cub wouldn't get himself trapped. He was too good for that. Something else was happening. Or he was just too paranoid. 

He left Larry again, leaving the mask where it was, telling himself over and over that he wouldn't need it. 

'Ready now?' Cub smiled as Scar emerged again. The wizard smiled back.

'Yeah... have you told Jevin we're coming?' 

'Private messaged him just now. Let's get going again.'

Once more, the pair took off. The jungle became ocean, then back to the jungle again as they reached where Etho, Keralis and Xisuma's bases were. 

Cub dived, and Scar barely managed to keep up, diving after. There was the cave, right in front of them.

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