Chapter 7

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Bdubs walked around his base, nervous, ready to go to sleep. But, he realised, even though he hadn't designed it to be this way at all, it did look stunning in the darkness, lit up perfectly to create a unique feel, the beginnings of his castle in the background. 

Phantoms circled overhead, distant screeches accompanying their presence. Bdubs looked up at them, hoping they wouldn't spot him. And if that, don't attack him. He knew he should sleep. And yet-

He entered one of his houses, the one he thought his bed should be in. Inside, instead of the correct room, was the town hall's interior, with the diamond throne and Scar on it, glaring at him. Bdubs entered, slightly confused but unable to figure out why. Then he noticed the rest of HEP surrounding the mayor, looking very displeased. Bdubs looked around at them, then back up at Scar, a wary look on his face. 

'What is this?' 

'BdoubleO100...' Scar sighed theatrically. 'The last person I'd expect to be a traitor.'

'Wait... WHAT?! I'm not a traitor! What do you mean? When did I betray you?!'

'You've been working for the resistance this whole time.'

'No I haven't! You have no proof! Scar, what are you talking...'

'As mayor, I ban you from HEP, and remove your position as captain of the mayor.'


'Cub, get rid of him.'

Bdubs began to back away as Cub drew a sword, approaching. He glanced backwards, horrified to see the exit was gone, and someone who looked terrifyingly similar to him stood where it used to be. Bdubs looked forwards again, trying not to panic, finding his own sword. If he was going down, he was going down with a fight. He narrowed his eyes and ran forwards. But Cub was quicker, attacking first, knocking him to the ground, bleeding heavily. He panted, dropping his weapon. He was going to die here. He was actually going to die- no... he couldn't... he couldn't be the second person to die. Heaving out one final breath, Bdubs collapsed.

And then respawned.

He was back in his base, breathing almost as fast as his heart rate. Hyperventilating. Failing at not freaking out. Cub had killed him? Scar thought he was a traitor?! Why? What had he done? What was going on with Hermitcraft?! 

He opened chat, scrolling through the conversations, confused at why his death message hadn't appeared. Were death messages off? Had his communicator broken? Was he actually dead? 

Was it a nightmare? 

No, he never got nightmares. Never. In all his life, he had never had a nightmare. It was the reason he did sleep every night, and wasn't terrified of what was going to come in his dreams. It... it can't have been. It just CAN'T have been... He never got nightmares... What was going on?! 

But... he remembered going to sleep. So... it must've been. Why did he think it wasn't? There were so many inconsistencies with that world. Why hadn't he noticed them straight away? Was he still dreaming now?! How could he tell? What could he do to find out, and wake himself up if he was. Was everything a dream? Was the world he normally knew just another dream? Was the whole world repeating the plot of inception? Dreams within dreams within dreams within dreams? 

Then he remembered the one rule there was to finding out if you were in a dream. He reread chat. The words stayed the same, unlike what happened in dreams. 

But still...

Bdouble0100: Doc? Can you come to my base? I'm scared.

It was a stupid message to think, and even stupider to put in chat. What kind of reason was being scared?! But, still... 

DocM77: Coming! Is everything ok?

Bdouble0100: I don't know.

Due to how close their bases were, it didn't take long for Doc to arrive, crashing through the door. Bdubs glanced down at the bed. 

'What happened? Are you alright?'

'I'm scared that the world is a dream.'


'I'm scared that this world is actually just a dream, and that I'm dreaming... And I don't know how to tell if I am or not and... and...' 

'Calm down, man. It'll be ok.' Doc approached, and Bdubs snuffled pitifully.

'Will it? The world's on permadeath, and I don't want to die... I don't want you to die, I don't want ANYONE to die...' 

'I've still not died in this world anyway... don't worry about me.' Doc pointed out. Bdubs sighed back. 

'I want this to end...'

'We all do. And... hey... it'll get better at some point.'


'It will. My... my...' Doc sighed. 'My life was awful when I was first created...'

'Created? What do you mean.'

'I was created by some sadistic person wanting to combine a creeper and a player. Said player then exploded. Causing a lot of pain and half of me being replaced by metal and wires. And then I was stuck in there until I decided to escape.'

'Wow... that's a lot worse than what I faced...'

'Nah... it's ok. And I eventually forgave the person who did it.'

'Wait... what? Really? Why?'

'Because if we were going to be stuck on the same server, we needed to not want to kill each other.' 

'Same... server? Was someone on mine-crack...'

'Not minecrack. Hermitcraft. And... they're... still here. Cub... is still here.'

'Cub did this?!'

'Yes. But I forgave him, and we're friends now. As you know.'

'That's awful... I knew you two didn't like each other when Cub arrived on Hermitcraft but... forcing you to go through that?'

'It's ok. No one mentions it, so I don't feel bothered by it. I guess it helps that Jevin was also here...'

'Another one of Cub's creations?' Bdubs guessed. 

'No, but someone he had to watch over apparently. Well, that's what I was told...'

'I'm sorry... that makes my problems sound like nothing.'

'I said don't worry. I don't care that much any more.' Doc admitted. He looked outside the house, through while brilliant sunlight could be seen. Standing up, he looked over at Bdubs again.

'Will you be alright now?'

'Yeah, yeah... I'll be fine. Thanks for... calming me down.'

'No problem dude. I'll be here any time.' Doc smiled, before walking out the house and flying away. 


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