Chapter 16

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It was almost hell waiting for the signal. Cub, Ren, Doc and EX all stood in anticipation of their rescue mission, all stressed, all nervous, all buzzing with adrenaline. Ren was sat on the stairway up to the town hall, Doc was practicing accuracy with his trident, Cub paced the area, and EX was stood to one side, going over the plan again and again. 

'Where will they most likely be?' He asked. 

'The storage area underneath. Where all the dangerous things are. Like the time machine. And whatever the heck that pineapple was.' 

Despite the tense mood, Cub let out a short laugh. 

'That was me being suspicious.' 


'How do we get there? How far is it from the portal? Should we go under or above ground?' 

'We'll figure it out, dude. Don't worry.' Ren attempted to calm. 

'If this goes wrong, or if any of us die, I'm getting all the blame.' 


'Because I'm 'evil' X. I'm the one everyone expects to ruin the plan at the last moment.' 

'You're not taking the blame, ok?' Cub refuted. 'If it goes wrong, then we're all sharing the blame.' 

'Yeah, dude. You don't have to worry.' 

Etho's face appeared through the former nether portal, giving a small nod. The group looked between each other. Ren jumped down, realising he'd be the first to go through.

'Let's go.'

They set off.

The battle was still raging in Area 77. xB was crouching in a corner, hoodie covered in blood, Hypno trying to help next to him. Keralis and Cleo were fighting side by side against evil Joe and evil Cleo. Doc stared around in a moment of horror and nostalgia, but Ren pulled him along.

'Come on, dude. We don't have time to look around.'

'Good luck, guys.' Called Beef. 'Stay safe.' 

'You too.' Cub replied with a nod, before running off. Ren, Doc and EX followed. 

It wasn't too long until they reached the entrance. Doc jumped down the elevator, followed blindly by Ren. EX and Cub waited. 

'Scared?' The latter asked, looking over.

'Yeah... I don't want this to go wrong.' 

'Neither. And hoping they haven't been killed. Wither said they were alright, but...'

'Scar'll be alright. He'll have some kind of useful information to be kept alive for.' 

'Yeah, but that's the problem. Xisuma will have all the value. Scar's more likely to be killed for being a nuisance...' 

Ren's voice called an all clear from below. Cub nodded to EX, before jumping down, vex wings out, gliding to a stop. EX followed behind. 

'I can't see anyone down here.' Doc squinted into the darkness, before looking over at the others. 'Cub, EX, you look for them. Me and Ren can deal with anyone incoming.'

They obeyed. Cub sprinted down the rows of glass cages, hoping to spot Scar or Xisuma. Nothing. He stopped halfway down, daring to call his friend's name. And again. And-

Someone dragged him back. Cub twisted out of their grip, drawing a sword, turning to face his opponent. Torn lab coat, tangled beard, the all too familiar mask, wings, and glowing blue magic. 

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