Chapter 26

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A lot of stuff is going to happen in this chapter 


Tango landed in his starter base, a mess of tears. He slammed the door open, vision blurred as he tried to blink them all away. He grabbed a sword from the ground, holding it to his chest.

He stopped, panting, gulping away the sadness. He was going to do this. There was nothing left.

Impulse might be alive.

That was it. That was the problem. Impulse. The evil hermits might've spared his life. He might come back. There might be a rescue mission. 

He dropped the sword, swearing loudly. He couldn't do it. He couldn't even f***ing kill himself. The other hermits were right. He was useless. He'd done nothing. He couldn't even kill himself without getting too upset. 


He looked over at the door, seeing Wither standing there, looking way too similar to Impulse.

'F*** off.' He walked away. The demon entered.

'I wanted to see if you were alright...' his voice wavered as Tango stiffened, shoulders raised. He let out a short laugh.

'Yeah. I'm fine. I mean- why wouldn't I be fine? Everything's just peachy.' 

'I'm sorry. I was scared you were going to kill yourself and- you're my friend, Tango. I don't want you to kill yourself.' 

'You're so much like him...' Laughed Tango sadly, sitting down, anger fading. Wither stepped towards him, white eyes constantly flicking towards the remains of Toon Towers.

'What... what happened? Out there?' 

'I burnt it down. While messing around with my magic powers. One of my best friends died. Zedaph. He... fell through the floor and died. There was nothing anyone could do.'

'I'm sorry...' Wither sat down near Tango. 'I didn't realise. I knew something had happened but...'

'I didn't mean to do it.'

'I... know how you feel. A bit. As in... there used to be three of us. Me, Inferno, and Ender. I... I think you call him Skizz. But... something happened. I yelled at him and that was the last thing I ever said to him before he was killed.' Wither's wings raised with the memory. 'There were so many thing I wish I'd said to him. That I couldn't. Because he was dead. And somehow me and Inferno weren't.'

'Oh.' Was all Tango could reply with. 'That... I'm sorry. I didn't know.' 

'We don't talk about it. But it happened. And I miss him every single day.' 




'Are you going to kill yourself?'

'I don't know.'


'Well, if you do, try to find me. I'll be here to help you get over it. Because I don't want you to die, Tango. You're my friend. And if you ever did, I'd never forgive myself.'

'Thanks.' The two friends looked at each other with a smile. 

'Ren, I don't think we're ever going to get out of here.' 

'We'll get out. Somehow. At some point.'


'We're cleverer than them, Impy. We'll figure something out.'

'Will we?'

'Or someone will rescue us.'

'They haven't yet...'

'They will. Soon. I think.' 

'Hopefully.' Impulse sighed. 'I'm bored.'

'Same. But we're together.'

'I guess...' 

A sudden sound outside. 

A click of a lock undoing. 

The door opened.


It was a several days after the incident in the cave. None of the hermits were really around much,  their optimism about the situation quickly fading. No plans, not much communication, but thankfully no deaths too. And now, wanting something to happened, Cub landed in Scar's magical village, right where the mayor was.


'I wanted to see if you were alright. And see if we can get some planning done.' 


'For how we're going to finish this. Defeat Glitch.'

'I... I don't know. There's no way to kill him. Bdubs and Grian are dead...'

'I'm still here.'

'I know... but everything's falling apart. We're all arguing, and we'll just keep on dying until Glitch wins...'

'Scar, we'll be alright. I promise. I'll keep you alive. Like I have this whole time.'

'Yeah...' he dared a short laugh. 'You definitely have...' 

'You die way too much for your own good, man.' 

'I know... the trees keeping getting in the way though! And other people's builds...'

'It's easier when you can fly through them...' Cub pointed out. 

'I know. But we made a deal...'

'Scar, I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry for using their magic. I was being stupid. All I was thinking about was myself. I got back into using it again, and didn't think about how you'd react, and what they'd forced us to go through...'

'I... I forgive you. But you shouldn't have done it. At all. You knew how I'd react.'

'I'm sorry. I know how badly I've been acting ever since you came back... shouting, and hiding stuff, and lying... I've just been worried. Believe me. I'm stressed, and worried, and scared that you're going to die, or panic... and saying stuff I shouldn't know... Wither told me about Phantom when I asked him who all our evil identities were. I promise. That's all.'

'I believe you.' Was all Scar replied. 'I've just been suspicious and paranoid... and terrified that something had happened to you while I was gone...'


'We stopped being friends?!' Joked back Scar.

'Of course not.' Cub smiled. 'Now, how do we stop Glitch?'

'Still don't know.' Scar admitted. 'Or we could just relax and chat some more.'

'Or that. I mean- it's not like we've had time to talk with the fact we're all slowly dying.' 

'Well, yeah...' Scar sighed. 'I wish we could go back to how things were before... no weird magic, safety, Grian and Bdubs and everyone else still alive...'

'Everyone does. This world's a mess. And season 6 has been taken over by the evil hermits...'

'We could go to season 5 and pretend nothing's happening. I mean, I'm sure your portals could take us there eventually. Find all the convex pranks, remember how few blocks were in the game back then...' 

'Yeah... wait, is that Jellie?!' 

'Where?' Scar turned around, spotting the cutest being in the entire universe, sitting on one of the roofs, staying well away. 'Jellie! Come on, Jellie! It's just Cub... you know Cub, the cleverest, most amoyzing hermit ever?' 

He began to walk over, just as chat buzzed with new messages. Half-interested, he checked.

And stopped. 

Rendog joined the game

ImpulseSV joined the game

Cubfan135 joined the game

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