Chapter 28

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I have ideas for rewriting the sequel to this... 

Cubfan135: Town hall

Cubfan135: now

Cubfan135: I need to say something.

Rendog: Alright... have you been alright, dude? No one's seen you since you got back.

Zombiecleo: yeah

Vintagebeef: I saw you killed Vex. 

Cubfan135: it's about that. 

Cubfan135: I'll tell you lot at spawn. 

Falsesymmetry: and we need to deal with Glitch.

Welsknight: yeah... if we're meeting I might be a bit late. Bringing a guest

Rendog: ????




Welsknight: it's complicated. But he's on our side. 

Welsknight: well, if he comes he is

Inferno: thats not concerning

ImpulseSV: Ohhh you two are still here! I forgot about you!

Zombiecleo: unfortunately... anyway, see you lot soon

ImpulseSV: I'll see if I can convince Tango to socialise with anyone except me and Wither

Hypnotyzd: see u soon! 

It didn't take as long as expected for everyone to gather in the shopping district, maybe since there were only 13 of them left. The last one there was Wels, and as he had said in chat, he'd brought a guest.

'Why is HE here?' Tango drew a sword at the sight of Hels, standing defiantly at Wels's side.

'He's on our side. He wants Glitch dead as much as we do.'

'Likely story.' 

'Yeah, if Cub can be on Glitch's side, then Hels definitely is.'

'It wasn't me, it was Vex.' Cub retorted, trying not to get too angry. 'And that's what I wanted to tell everyone about. Scar's... gone.'

'Yeah, he abandoned us, I saw it in chat.'

'I helped him get to a world where someone could save his life. Vex almost killed him... he was about to die...'

'So you magically had time to make a magic portal to a magical world where everything's magical and great. Can the rest of us go there too?'

'Tango, please shut up.' The fire-powered hermit was quiet at Impulse's request. With a mumbled 'sorry...' he let Cub continue. 

'Apart from that, we need to find a way to stop Glitch. Now me, Ren and Impulse are safe, they have no incentive to get us to join them. So they're probably just going to attack outright.'

'Who told you that? Glitch himself?' Iskall retorted

'Common sense. And assuming he's out of ideas.'

'And that no one's replaced any of the other hermits with evil clones of them.' Beef noted. 'Though everyone's been honest so far.' 

'And if we're concerned, we can all just put something in chat.' Pointed out False. 'If anyone wasn't who they were supposed to be, it would come up.'

'True...' Beef replied with a shrug. 'Anyway, there's another elephant in the room. Helsknight.' 

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