Chapter 8

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'Welcome to the EX imprisonment resistance! Any questions?' 

Grian looked around the group as he spoke. A group consisting of Cub, Scar, Jevin, TFC and Joehills blinked back up at him in confusion. Joe slowly raised his hand.

'What is it?'

'Why are we doing this?'

'What? Rescuing an unfairly treated friend from eternal mistreatment and imprisonment? Or meeting now to discuss what we're going to do to rescue him?' 

'Both. If Xisuma says it's helpful, then we should accept that and get on with life.'

'Why are you here if you think that? Why are you in a group I specifically told you was for rescuing him if you don't want to rescue him?'

'Cub told me to so I did.' Joe explained simply. Grian groaned. 

'Alright. Is anyone ELSE here because Cub wanted them to be?'

Scar sheepishly raised his hand. 

'Oh my...  Cub, since when we're you this convincing?!'

'Oh, since always.' Scar answered instead. Cub nodded in agreement. 

'Right. Now that's out the way... Jevin, have you been talked into this or...'

'I'm here to help.'


Silence for a moment before-

'Cub's very convincing...'

'CUB! Right. All of you are still going to come. Joe, Jevin, TFC, you keep watch outside. Me, Cub and Scar are going to sneak in and rescue EX. We'll go tonight, ok?'

'Tonight?' TFC repeated dubiously. 

'Yes, tonight. What's wrong with going tonight?'

'I can tell the future. And if we go tonight then the mission will succeed...'  

'Then let's go!' Grian interrupted. 'Meet me at my base at sunset. Agreed?'

'What? No! I hadn't finished!'

'You said we were going to succeed... that's what we want, right?'

'Personally, I don't really mind...' TFC admitted. Grian groaned again.

'Right. We need to do this. And we're doing it tonight. And if any of you utter a WORD of this to anyone else, then... well, it won't be good. Now, are we going to do this or not?' 

Reluctantly, all the group agreed, and the plan was set in motion.

It was dark in Xisuma's base. False was on guard, sitting against Xamphe's cage, half asleep, convinced that nothing was going to happen. Her sword was just beside her, in case someone did come.

Which they soon did.

A figure appeared, and False gazed tiredly at them. They were dressed in black, and had a pair of dark wings behind them. Remembering what Cub had said about evil Tango and Impulse, she reached for her weapon. They signalled for their friends to follow, and two others arrived after. Still trying to stay unnoticed, False slowly stood. Person 1 saw her, and she cursed silently. 

'Who are you?' She asked warily. No response. People 2 and 3 glanced at each other. I need to think of better names for them False thought. 

Just as she was thinking this, person 1, Bob, attacked. False ducked to one side, backing away, watching them follow behind. She swung a warning hit. Frank and Jeff stayed back, but False aimed an arrow at them. Bob sliced again, and struck. False narrowed her eyes, before charging at them. 

She was blocked, but attempted again. Blow after blow, block after block, barely avoided hit after barely avoided hit. Bob kicked and sliced, and as False was distracted by him, Frank ran in and dragged her away. She twisted out of their grasp, stabbing. Bob and Frank stood either side of her. No one moved for a moment. Jeff still stayed out of the way, but had a trident out in case it was needed. False fired another arrow at them, but Bob regained her attention quickly with... an egg? False kicked them away, and they fell to the ground. Frank backed away, aiming an arrow. False shot back before they could. Jeff's trident flew at her and she caught it, throwing it at Frank. They dodged, snatching it out of the air. Bob had returned to his feet, and was trying to tackle her. All three of them were ready to fight again. 

False knew she could still beat them. 

Slicing, dodging, she remained ahead of all three of the enemies. Frank kept firing arrows at her, which she blocked with a shield. Bob came in with whatever weapon he had available, which apparently included eggs. She didn't mind, sword swinging whenever them and Jeff decided to attack. She blocked a trident from Jeff, yanking it out of her shield, barely avoiding more arrows from Frank. One grazed her head, and she brushed away the blood... they had to be low of health, and give up at some point, right? She didn't mind, the power her magic gave her granting endless energy and strength. She stabbed Bob, and they fell back, bleeding heavily, to the ground. Jeff rushed to their side, throwing a healing potion. False aimed another arrow at them, straight for the chest, ready to fire. The sting of a sword at her neck made her falter. Frank was still there, and willing to kill her as well. Stalemate. 

Or so they thought.

False kicked Frank away, releasing the arrow, turning and slicing at them. The enemy stumbled back, unscathed, firing at her. She glanced back at where her arrow at Jeff had missed, and the enemy was still trying to keep Bob alive with potions and a golden apple. 

'Surrender.' False snarled. 'Surrender or I'll kill you.' 

Still no response. Frank was panting, clearly ready to back down. Bob got back to his feet, seemingly alright. Jeff was still next to him, sword out. False turned, looking over all of them. She didn't attack. If they wanted to surrender, she would let them. 

But EX wasn't going to be freed. Xisuma had ordered her to protect him, and these three trespassers to the server weren't going to stop her from fulfilling that order. She cursed his decision to make him admin. These were probably his friends, come to rescue him. Whatever creatures he'd decided to make friends with outside of the server.

'I said surrender!' She repeated forcefully. Bob glanced between the pickaxe he'd pulled out and False. No movement, until...

He swung at the cage, and False ran at them, cutting them to the ground. Jeff yelled something she couldn't hear, right as False stabbed Bob again, and they fell limb. The death message buzzed into chat. 

'No!' Jeff howled, falling to his friend's side. False frowned. She knew that voice... where did she know that voice from?! Who was it? Her tired confusion led to no answers, so she opened chat instead, seeing the name of the person she'd killed.

False fell to the ground at the sight of the 5 words. 

Grian was slain by Falsesymmetry

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