Chapter 29

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Italics is planning, normal is fighting

It's like those scenes in stuff where the audio is planning, but the visuals are them doing what they say they're planning.


This is just what's happened

'Alright then, here's the plan.'

Hels stood at the portal through to Season 6. Wither was next to him, tied up, as though he was a prisoner. With a sigh, he stepped through.

'Hels will pretend he captured Wither, and is joining their side again. Then, Wither will make up some elaborate fake plot about us coming through to attack, and all meeting in spawn right then to fight. Hels will suggest they attack then, and hopefully Glitch agrees. In the mean time, Inferno will be sending me information about how many of them there are, but if my calculations are correct, there should be enough for everyone to fight one of them, excluding Glitch.'

'Wait, why do I have to be captured?' Wither asked.

'Because I don't want to be.'

'Hey... Badtimes?' Hels dragged Wither forwards, into Area 77. The half-snake looked over, interested.

'What do you want?'

'I caught this prisoner... Glitch needs to hear what he knows.'

'Fine...' Badtimes led the way, towards Captain Angry Eye's tower. 'Uhh, GLITCH! WE HAVE A PRISONER?'

Glitch teleported in front of them, clearly unamused. 

'What? Oh, it's you. Helsknight.'

'The others are planning a fight. Now. They're going to attack soon. I managed to convince this idiot to join me on an advance mission. If you go for them now... they should be at spawn waiting.'

'And what if this is a ploy to get us to be off-guard. What if they're waiting for us to leave this world to attack and take it back?'

'I... what... a stupid idea!' Hels laughed awkwardly. 'That's... not the plan.'

'Bad, gather the others. We'll attack as soon as possible. You, Hels, are coming with me.'

Glitch reached for Hels's hand, but the knight turned invisible before he could. There wasn't time for him to move before Wither kicked him down. Hels turned visible again.

'You traitor!' He snarled. 

'W...what?' Hels tried to sit up, in pain.

'How dare you betray the others!'

'Wither, I'm joking. I'm lying. You know the plan...'

'The plan?' Glitch's focus changed, his expression becoming unreadable. 

'No plan.' Hels replied quickly.

'No, you mentioned a plan.'

'Fine. We were lying. We're coming through here, and attacking you.'

'You're lying. We're going through the portal. Whatever the plan is, we'll kill all of your pathetic hermits before you can... Grim, Creeper!' He snapped his finger and the two teleported into position in front of Glitch. 'Take these prisoners with us to their world. And don't let them escape.' 

'Meanwhile, we'll all be waiting in this world, hiding out. When Glitch's side comes through, he won't be able to see any of you. One by one, you all lure off one of the evil identities and fight them. Cub, you fight Badtimes, and make sure you use your vexling magic. It's the only thing that would keep you two equal.

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