Chapter 18

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Impulse wandered the Season 6 world alone. 

He wasn't lost, since he knew where he was, and where the way out was. But whether he could get to it was a different story... he knew it would be guarded, that he'd lost his only escape, and that even if he did return, he'd still have to deal with the constant reminders of Zedaph and the others still being dead. 

Another problem was his lack of an elytra in this world. He too it off when the group were going to Season 7. And now he'd forgotten where he'd put it, and couldn't find an ender chest, realising to himself as he passed the shops of whatever village was right next to Area 77 that maybe Cub's all shops must have ender chests rule wasn't so stupid after all. 

A shape overhead. Impulse looked up, reaching for his sword. A figure far above, with what 2 season of The Convex had taught him were vex wings. A gulp, and he began to back away, towards the nearest building. 

'It's just a rescue mission...' he muttered to himself. 'Cub or Scar have come back to rescue me.' He didn't sheath his weapon again, holding it close, ready to swing. Did the person see him? How long had he even been here? If they arrived at dawn, and it was night now...

Impulse screamed as the person appeared in front of him. The dark clothes and snakeskin face of Badtimes grinned back at him. 

'I wasn't expecting you here.' 

There was nowhere to go. Whatever building Impulse had found himself in had only one exit. And Badtimes was blocking it. 


'' Impulse pointed his sword at Badtimes, backing away. 'Are you scared?'

'Why would I be scared?' Came a laugh back. 

'Because I have a sword. And swords are scary.' It couldn't have come out worse if he had tried. Something hissed behind, a slithering sound. Snakes. Impulse stepped forwards again as one of them reached him. Badtimes watched with interest.

'What's wrong? Don't like snakes?'

Senses alert as the snake brushed past Impulse's leg. A whimper. A hiss.

'Snakes aren't normally in this universe. But I was... persistent with my asking. So Glitch created some for me.'

'Why are you telling me your evil plans when I can still escape?' Impulse feigned bravery. Badtimes stopped. 

'Seriously? I'm just taking about snakes. They aren't my evil plan. They're just cool.'

Pain, spiking up Impulse's leg. A yell, and he collapsed, blood and green something oozing from the wound. Hands hit the ground, vision blurring and world spinning. Badtimes crouched next to Impulse. 

'Don't worry. It won't kill you. It'll just make it easier to stop you escaping.'

A yell of terror broke from Impulse's throat as he awoke. His leg throbbed with pain. Everything was dark. No light. Cold stone below and covering the walls. A weight of something around his wrist, freezing. Some kind of chain, or shackles. 


A voice, and an unexpected one at that. Impulse looked towards the sound of Ren's voice. 

'Why are you here? What happened? Where are we?'

'The evil guys captured me and put me in this place, wherever it is. And then one day the doors into this place opened, and they brought you into here, apparently. Are you ok?'

'Yeah... kind of. Still dealing with Doc's... death... but apart from that...' 

'Doc died?' 

Ren stiffened next to Impulse, but gave a nod he couldn't see.

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