Chapter 22

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Heh- I don't know what to write for most of this chapter :D

Orrrrr I extend all the angst further! 

And include some other of the 'evil' hermits 




'Why do you think they put us in the same prison?'

'I dunno, man. Maybe they thought we'd annoy each other to death.' Ren suggested 

'Or maybe they didn't have enough space.'

'They had space for both Scar and Xisuma... for some reason or other, we're together. And safe. Ish. They haven't done anything else to us except shove us in a box together.' 

'Yeah... I'm just bored.' Impulse admitted. 'There isn't anything to do here except talk to you and worry about the others...' 

'We'll get out of here, dude. I promise.' Ren placed his hand over Impulse's, looking in his direction, though neither could actually see each other. 'Both of us will.'

'Hopefully. The other hermits will come at some point to get us back... as well as that went last time.' 

'Scar and Xisuma did get out. We didn't expect it to go as it did... that so many people would die...'

'-I mean, what's Glitch even going to do with them except keep them stuck here forever. It's stupid.' The two shut up as the sounds of complaint reached them from outside their prison. 

'Sounds like Scar.' Impulse hissed. 'It must be BadTimes!'

'Shhh! We can listen in on them.' 

'You know what Glitch's plan is.' Replied the hoarse voice of whoever Doc's evil side was. 

'Yeah... I do. You know I do, but I don't-'

'Plans?! What plans?' Interrupted impulse. Ren gave a quick 'shh' back, listening in again.

'-these two.'

'Glitch will do something. He always has an idea. And they're not doing anything wrong, or even annoying. Believe me, your good side was a lot more irritating than they are.' Bad Doc gave a sigh. 'A lot, lot more.'

'Yeah, I know, I know. It's just taking up space and time.' 

'Better than moping about Vex...'


'Who's Vex?!'

'Cub's bad side, I expect.' Ren figured. 'I think Cub said something about them fighting before he left...'

'Whatever happens, we'll destroy their little server and then have peace. Also, you still have JellieWorm and your other snakes to keep you company.'

'I guess. Anyway, we shouldn't really be talking about it here... Glitch might hear. And maybe even banish us like Wither and Inferno. The traitors...'

Impulse's hand clenched, almost impulsively, as the topic turned to what had become his friends.'

'I don't like the sound of any of this.' He muttered. 

'Don't worry, it'll be fine.' Ren replied. 'We'll get out. And we're finding out some valuable information.' 

'-else to their world.'

'You know why. The opportunity arose, and Glitch took it.' 

'But why him?!'

'I don't know. Stop worrying, Badtimes.'

'I'm not worried.' 

'They sent someone to Season 7?!' 

'I don't know... maybe. Shhh! They're talking again.'

'Man, I hope someone else comes on guard soon. I'm tired of watching over these two. They do nothing.' Doc's bad side grumbled. 'I'd much rather be helping elsewhere.'

'I heard Dödskalle's been trying to get a new dragon after Köttballe died...' Badtimes changed the subject. 'At least the blast took out your good side. Doc. Whatever he's called.'

'And most of our base... It wasn't fun digging out the new place for these prisoners.'

'At least they can't get out like Scar did before... stupid Wither, trying to free him.'

'Well that's useful!' Complained Impulse 'Can't escape?!' 

'We'll get out. At some point...'

'Yeah... I guess.'

'Impy, we will escape. I promise.' 

'I don't believe you.' Impulse admitted. 'I don't know how we're going to get out of here. We have no tools, we can't see anything, and no one's going to help us...'

'Don't worry. We will escape.' 

'There's nothing we can do! We're stuck for whatever plans they're doing, and right now I don't know if we have any kind of hope.'

'Impulse...' there was nothing Ren could say, sensing his friend's hopelessness. 

'I miss Tango.' Was all he replied. 'I miss our friends. I miss being SAFE.' 

'We'll get out.'

'You keep saying that, but I don't believe you!' Impulse snapped. 'There's nothing we can do.'

'There's always something...'

'Just- shut up. I don't want to talk to you.' Impulse turned away from Ren, hiding his tears. The dog didn't talk, unable to help, trying to think of anything they could do to escape and failing. 

Hehe short chapter

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