Chapter 3 - Invitation

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"You are going to marry the Duke of Ruby's son, so I need you to be on your best behviour

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"You are going to marry the Duke of Ruby's son, so I need you to be on your best behviour. Put those looks to work and charm the Duke and Duchess. We will be there for 3 days. The celebration is the day after tomorrow. I will not tolerate any incompetence." The Duke of Emerald declared.

It had been two days on the road to Ruby. Izuku had to travel in a carriage with his father for the past 35 hours. They had finally stopped to camp for the night after travelling through the forest the whole day. This was the first Izuku heard of being married off. Izuku was not oblivious, he knew after turning 13, he would be approached for marriage, as it was common among nobles to bethroth their Omega or Beta children at that age and Alphas at the age of 15. But hearing his father say that he was going to be marrying the most feared and ruthless Alpha in the land, made his blood run cold. Izuku had heard of Katsuki Bakugou, the ruthless Alpha that single handedly won the war against Xeno and was rewarded the title of "The Fortis Knight".

There was no arguing or refuting his father's orders. Izuku had no power against his father even though Izuku was a skilled knight himself. Even though he was an Omega, he training with Elite Alpha knights of Emerald, day and night. He was very skilled in swordsmanship, Close combat, Wolf combat and Archery. His wolf was small in front of an Alpha but he made up the difference with his flexibility and speed. On the battle field, he was agile and a great and strong fighter but when it came to his father, Izuku was as scared of the man as a baby bird would be of a serpent.

The idea of the Duke getting angry or Izuku disobeying him terrified the poor greenette. He could do nothing but nod and obey his father.

"Y-Yes father, I will n-not fail you." Was all he could muster up to speak.

"You know what awaits if you fail, boy. Don't disappoint the family anymore than you already have with your existance. Your mother was useless in providing me an Alpha heir, don't end up like her. I was merciful to your mother. The Duke's son won't be, if what people are saying about him is true."

"Y-yes Father." Izuku timidly replied. The sheer thought of a strong and powerful Alpha like Katsuki beating him made him go pale and tremble.

"Sleep now, we will have to travel on horseback tomorrow." The Duke grunted and left for his tent before Izuku could say anything.

Izuku quitely nodded bowed to his father and left for his tent. The Duke might treat him horribly but the knights respected Izuku, they pretended to ignore him in front of the Duke so as not to spite him but they knew the small Omega was a strong knight. The knights were the only people who treated the Omega with any kind of gentleness. The only kindness he felt was from his mother as knights are not exactly kind or gentle in nature. Other than his mother, Izuku never knew love, care, worry for others or someone worrying for him and affection.

Izuku couldn't sleep that night. He tossed and turned under the soft satin sheets thinking about what his father said. He couldn't help the anger that built up when he remembered what his father said about his mother being useless to him. The boy loved his mother more than anything. But he could do nothing of that anger. Izuku couldn't comprehend going against his father but was so terrified of the idea of marrying "The Crimson Beast". With thoughts of what the Alpha might look like, Izuku slowly drifted into a dreamless sleep.

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