Chapter 21 - "No one is You"

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Walking around the castle without the blond Alpha accompanying him was rather boring

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Walking around the castle without the blond Alpha accompanying him was rather boring. No matter how many books he read or how many times he visited the greenhouse and stared at the black roses or dueled with the Duchess and the Duke, his loneliness stayed. He felt alone and miserable without Katsuki around but he knew there was nothing he could do about it. Even when he was in Emerald and Katsuki was in Ruby, he didn't feel this alone and miserable. He missed the Alpha's presence but he never felt miserable. The fact that Katsuki was there but he couldn't see him was what made him miserable. 'Why am I so weak?' was the only thought in his mind that plagued him that entire week.




During the ceremony, he expected the Alpha to look to his direction atleast once but never did the blond look at him. Izuku was upset but his mind couldn't comprehend that emotion when the Alpha looked so good. Katsuki wore a casual dress pant and his crimson fluffy cloak but even in such a simple attire, Izuku couldn't take his eyes away from the blond. Izuku wanted to whine for the Alpha's attention when he saw the Commander's traditional mark burn into Katsuki's skin. The attractiveness of the Alpha increased several times after the mark burned in his skin. Izuku so badly wanted to speak to the Alpha. He didn't care whether he would be scared or the memories would come back, he just wanted to talk to Katsuki, to hear his voice and to see his rare smile that only Izuku had the luck of seeing often.

But then when he went to congratulate the Alpha, he found Katsuki walking hand in hand with a dirty blond. The girl had her arm around Katsuki's as if they were a couple and kept dragging him around. Izuku almost got no chance to talk to the Alpha. Each time he tried to, the Alpha was dragged away. Izuku frowned and went to Ochako who was having a conversation with Mina. He gently nudged the girl and smiled. Ochako was the one who told Izuku who the blond was. It was Lady Camie Utoshima, the daughter of Duke of Agate. Everyone knew how badly infatuated the Duke's daughter was with Katsuki so obviously Izuku felt his insecurities come back. It wasn't helping that the Alpha looked like he actually enjoyed the dirty blond's company. Izuku furrowed his brows and excused himself from Ochako. He went to Mitsuki and informed her that he was retiring to his room early. Mitsuki was baffled as to why because she had presumed that the greenette loved celebrations. She asked but Izuku just excused that he was feeling under the weather. He quietly walked back to the castle and to his room and closed the door.

Izuku plopped down on his bed completely dejected and upset. His frown was so very evident on his face. He looked down at his dress. He specifically asked Mirio to bring this dress so that he could wear it for the ceremony. This was his mother's most precious memory. His mother wore this dress on her engagement and he had heard tales of how beautiful his mother looked. After all, she was the most beautiful Omegan Princess in the Kingdom. Maids and servants who served Izuku's mother gushed about how similar the greenette looked to the late Duchess and was almost as beautiful as her. He wanted to show the Alpha this dress, tell him about his mother. The thought saddened him that the Alpha didn't even acknowledge his presence the whole celebration. A harsh slam of the door jolted him out of his thoughts and the greenette looked up to the door and his blood ran dry. His father stood by the door fuming in anger, he glared daggers at the greenette and his threatening pheromones were slowly filling the room and slowly suffocating Izuku.

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