Chapter 11 - Enmite

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Maybe holding on to hope was the problem

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Maybe holding on to hope was the problem..... Katsuki had given the Omega hope that he would come visit him but it had been 4 months since then and not even a single letter came from the Alpha. Izuku kept himself occupied with his duties as much as he could which kept his mind at bay from thinking too much about the blond.

His father, no matter how much hatred he had for the little greenette, couldn't underestimate or ignore the boy's skills in battle anymore. Izuku was rewarded the title of Vice Commander/ Second in command of the Emerald Knights after he single handedly handled the rogue attacks before his father and Sir. Tomura came home. Emerald was a rich estate but their defence wasn't very strong. The Elite knights of Emerald won't even be considered the same level as *Senior level knights in Crimson knights. Their defence had always been pretty weak but because of Izuku's strategies and Sir. Tomura's battle experience, the estate was safe and protected. The team of mages that worked for defence spells also were powerful mages. They have created many defence spells and barrier spell to keep the rogues or magical beasts that may sneak in from the Beast Forest at bay.
Izuku had been swarmed with duties like over seeing the palace work, taking care of the knight residences and also training the new trainees. His daily study sessions were also going on, giving the boy almost no time to breathe. Izuku barely slept in that month while his father was away. He had to also look over the political issues as instructed by his father. But he was at peace even inside that dreaded palace because his father wasn't around. But Duke Hizashi returned 3 weeks after Izuku's return. Izuku had tried his best to avoid the man the past months and had mostly been successful. He had only been 'punished' 6 times in the last 2 months and that is very less compared to before. Hizashi was happy that his son was bethrod to Katsuki Bakugou and that lightened his mood enough to let few of Izuku's mistakes pass.




Izuku was in the training ground, instructing the in-training knights with Mirio when one of the knights informed him that the Duke wished to see him. Izuku knew it either had something to do with Katsuki or Emerald Estate or his mistake this morning during his political lesson. He had tried his best to manage everything and he did but exhaustion was catching up to him. The Omega was visibly tired and less energetic, he had bags under his eyes. He was thinner than before and he already was pretty thin even for an Omega. He sighed, excussed himself from Mirio and followed the knight. He slowly crept towards his father's office. He knew he wouldn't be beaten because he wasn't asked to visit his father's study on the far cornor of the palace which was were he would always be punished. He knocked on the door and a voice called out, giving him permission to enter. He slowly opened the door to see Sir. Tomura, his father and Duke Masaru and Duchess Mitsuki sitting on the couch infront of his father looking back at him with gentle and welcoming smiles on their faces. Happy wasn't even the correct word to describe what he felt.

Izuku was dressed up in his new silver armour with the Second in Command's green cape that had the wind dragon's crest on it, that he recieved now that he had become a second in command. He stepped in looking all around for the familiar blond Alpha but no matter how many times he scanned the room he couldn't find the familiar blond he so desperately longed to see. His bright expression visibly dulled down, this of course did not escape the Duke and the Duchess of Ruby's notice. They both chuckled lightly which made Izuku look at them.

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