Chapter 16 (I) - Surprise

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The journey to the the capitol was long, it was unnaturally cold that year

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The journey to the the capitol was long, it was unnaturally cold that year. Izuku sighed as he set up his tent in the centre, near the campfire. They had been traveling for 4 days. Tomorrow, the plan was to pass through the town of Monin, where the Crimson Knights will be reaching tonight. They all will regroup there and leave for Sapphire from there, together. Izuku was restless to say the least, he was dying to see the Alpha. Now that he had turned 15, his Omega had gotten far more restless without the Alpha's scent around him. His heats had gotten almost unbearable, he would cry out because of the pain, nothing he did would satiate his need. Katsuki had taught him a few things, jerking himself off and fingering himself. When the blond Alpha was around, he would assist him and jerk him off but nothing more. But Izuku could tell, that won't be enough anymore.

He sighed as he plopped down on the pile of blankets. His heat was coming soon, his needs were starting to fill his head. He just prayed it would come when the Alpha was with him and in Sapphire, not during the travel. One of the knights let him know that dinner was ready. He nodded and exited the small tent and sat around the campfire. The knights served jerky and soup with some stale bread, the meal wasn't much but one can't expect a feast during travel. Carrying too much food attracts creatures and rogues. Izuku quietly ate his dinner as he occationally giggled when he heard the knights joke about their training. He went back to his tent and plopped down on the pile of blankets, it wasn't as comfortable as a bed would be but it would do. Izuku was so exhausted, he truly could care less if it was comfortable or not. He fell asleep almost immediately.




Izuku woke up early, a few minutes before dawn. His heat had been approaching, he could feel it. He quickly searched for his bag and dug through it to find the bottle of suppressants. These suppressants were special, they were made by Ochako. Izuku had been taking a herb that supresses Omegan urges before, those were very bad for him and made him weak. Katsuki had asked Ochako to make new suppressants and Ochako was happy to help her friend out. These suppressants only had one side effect, they made the person little dull on reflexes. Izuku was to take the suppressants when he didn't want his heat to hit and the heat would be delayed for the day. Izuku quickly popped one of the herbs in his mouth and then some water to chug it down. He sighed after a while when he realised his urges were dying and he no longer was producing slick. He got out of his tent and went to the small stream flowing near their camp. He washed up and watched the sun come up.

"Alpha.. I miss you." Izuku muttered to himself.

"It's hard isn't it." A voice called out, startling Izuku.

"Oh Amajiki-san." Izuku said as he stared at the purple haired Alpha coming up behind him. Mirio had asked Amajiki to accompany Izuku as he couldn't. After last year, Izuku had gotten quiet familiar with the Alpha. Amajiki respected Katsuki alot and looked up to him. He had let the young Lord know that he wanted to join the Crimson Knights. Izuku had promised him to talk to Katsuki about it.

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