Chapter 7 - Duel

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Katsuki couldn't help the guilt and regret rising in his chest

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Katsuki couldn't help the guilt and regret rising in his chest. But he did his best to push that away. He needed to pull his shit together for Izuku. The Omega needed comfort and after-care or things will get more drastic. He needed to calm Izuku down or else he might die. The amount of distress pheromones the Omega was giving out made it very clear that it won't be an easy task. But Katsuki would do anything. He released a huge amount of calming and soothing pheromones. Izuku flinched at the presence of a Dominant Alpha's scent at first but after a little while, the Omega warmed up to the scent. He was not in a mental space to recognize Katsuki's scent yet and Katsuki had to make him recognize or else the Omega would be scared when he would try to get close or touch him.

The trembling died down slightly after a few minutes of Izuku inhaling Katsuki's scent. Katsuki sat down at the edge of the bed, beside Izuku, careful, so as to not spook the Omega. He slowly caressed Izuku's arm, to get him used to the touch. The little Omega violently flinched and whimpers of terror escaped his lips but when he realized that the hand was just caressing him and wouldn't hurt him, he warmed up gradually. Katsuki used his other hand to gently run his fingers through the soft green bush of hair on the Omega's head. The touch calmed the Omega down but not enough for his panic to subside. He was still trembling, sour distress scent oozing out of him, yelps and whimpers leaving him. Katsuki realized that he had to do alot more to calm the Omega down.

He laid down beside Izuku on the bed and hugged the Omega close to his chest. Izuku struggled at first, trying to get away and squirming underneath the Alpha but alot of calming pheromones and gentle reassuring words from Katsuki helped calm him down. Izuku curled up near the Alpha's chest hugging him close as if his life depended on it. Katsuki could hear his heart beating. After few minutes of him cuddling Izuku, his heart beat became normal from the dangerously slow pace that it was beating before. He took that as an indication that Izuku was calm enough to recognize his scent now.

He kept cuddling Izuku close to his chest, providing him the warmth he needed and releasing calming pheromones in the air. Katsuki then slowly moved his face close to his neck and kissed and slowly licked his scent glands, carefully, so as to not alarm the Omega or to hurt the wound on his neck. He gave a few licks and generous kisses to his scent glands. This had the effect to calm down panicked Omegas and it worked. Izuku tensed up at first but soon calmed down. His sour distress scent disappearing and his natural sweet strawberry scent returning gradually. His face returned to the natural relaxed resting face from the scrunched up face in pain, Katsuki saw a few minutes ago.

Katsuki didn't let go of Izuku and slept that way spooning and whispering reassuring words to him when the Omega stirred in his sleep or had a nightmare in between. Katsuki didn't get much sleep that night but he didn't regret it at all. A sense of pride was clear on his face the next morning, when his father asked him how Izuku was doing. He explained to his parents and Lord Hizashi that Izuku was fine and was resting. The mages came in the morning to heal the wounds and his broken hands. Izuku had a gash on his head, a few bite marks and broken wrists.

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