Chapter 14 (I) - Why?

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Katsuki rushed to the greenette's side

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Katsuki rushed to the greenette's side. He picked the unconcious boy up and held him close, trying to warm him up. His body was warm and there were no longer any bruises on his chest or arms. Ochako had also healed the injury on his back. All that remained was the dried blood and the redness from the injuries. Now all Izuku had to do was to wake up. Oh how bad did Katsuki want to see those beautiful Emerald eyes look at him with adoration and admiration. He could never forget the look the little boy gives him. The way his eyes glimmer when the greenette looks at him. Those beautiful Emerald eyes truely look like finest quality Emerald jems. His heart always swells up in pride whenever Izuku looks at him with nothing but adoration and admiration.

In the past year, he has gotten alot closer to the little greenette, he also has understood alot of things about the boy. He is now aware of the fact that the boy is very guarded and self dependent even for the things he knows he can't do. He is well aware of how much the greenette would push himself just so he doesn't have to ask for help. It does hurt him to know that Izuku doesn't depend on him, his Alpha instincts are nurtured to pamper his Omega and treat him like a queen. But he quickly adjusted to Izuku's nature but whenever the blond is around and it's just the two of them, Izuku does ask for help. Izuku also has asked Katsuki to train him. Katsuki at first, refused explaining that the Omega no longer needs to protect himself as he would be with him but given the situation he is second guessing his decision.

The memories of Izuku's lit up face when Katsuki would come visit him or give him a black rose from the greenhouse whenever he visited flash in his mind. His gaze slowly drifts to the very beat up looking greenette who is very visibly malnourished and looks almost like a skeleton and weighed almost close to nothing.

"Wake up..Izuku..." Katsuki whispered as he hugged the unconcious boy close to his body.

"He is fine now, Katsuki." Eijiro says as he approaches the blond who has been emitting a faint sour scent, the scent of sorrow.

"........I.. I just need him to wake up.. Then.. I will be fine.." The blond muttered as he nuzzeled his nose deep into the green curls of the unconcious boy. Izuku's strawberry scent was still strongly radiating off of him, assuring Katsuki that he was alive. Dynamight couldn't help but preen at the sweet scent. Dynamight had been very agitated when he saw Izuku's blood, it took everything in Katsuki to control himself and not go feral.

"..We need to hunt for food. This place isn't safe either, we need to secure the area. We also have very little water left... Ochako-chan is unconcious and we need to find that herb that helps in mana replenishment for her and given that Izuku-kun has mana affinity, he might need it as well... " Shoto said approaching the blond as well with an emotionless face. Now that he had seen the greenette alive, he is no longer worried for the boy. He had paid his debt to him by helping Katsuki get here.

"..Secure the area and go hunt for meat.. I will stay by his side. The herb looks like an Iris flower but is blood red in colour, it usually grows near water bodies.." Katsuki mutters as he lays Izuku down on the make shift bed and gets up to set up his tent.

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