Chapter 4 - Meeting

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To say that Izuku was nervous standing outside the dinning hall with his father, would be an understatement

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To say that Izuku was nervous standing outside the dinning hall with his father, would be an understatement. His life was depending on whether he could make the blond Alpha like him. The rumours he heard of the terrifying Alpha didn't help at all as he was portrayed to be cold and merciless. Izuku knew he had to make Katsuki Bakugou like him or else his father might kill him or even worse.

The Duke signalled the guards positioned outside the door and they opened the door for the Duke of Emerald and his son. Izuku tried his best to calm his nerves down and shook his head out of the thoughts of the terrifying Alpha. When the door opened, Izuku was met with the sweet smell of different food items.

The door opened to a huge room with a huge dinning table sitting in the middle of the room with more than 20 chairs lined on each sides of the table. At the very end of the table, Izuku could see the Duke and the Duchess sitting. His father walked in and greeted the Duke and the Duchess. Izuku following closely behind him.

"Mitsuki Masaru, Good morning," Hizashi beamed.

"Ah Hizashi, Good morning come sit, the servants will be bringing the food out soon." Mitsuki said smiling and gesturing to a seat opposite to her.

"Good morning My- Mitsuki-san and Masaru-san " Izuku said bowing to them timidly.

"Izuku-kun, Good morning. Don't worry about that, you might soon have to start calling me mother.." Mitsuki said jokingly and giggled. Izuku couldn't help but feel flustered. His face heated up and turned beet red.

"Don't torment the poor boy dear, look how embaressed he looks." Masaru said to Mitsuki then continued " Izuku-kun come here my boy, sit beside Mitsuki, chat with me until Katsuki arrives." Masaru finished and gestured towards a seat directly opposite to him.

Izuku and his father both took their seats. Masaru chatted with Izuku. He asked about Izuku's likes and dislikes, his skills and education. Masaru and Mitsuki were stunned when the Omega told them that he was an Elite knight of the Emerald army. They both looked impressed and surprised.

"Duel with me once before you leave for Emerald then." Masaru said, excitment laced in his voice. "Oh me as well, I would love to spare with you." Mitsuki beamed after her husband.

"Careful you two, my son is exceptionally good with a sword. The other day while coming here we were attack by a rogue pack and Izuku annihlated them in the blink of an eye, He took out 3 Alphas including the pack leader and 3 Betas." Hizashi said with pride and arrogance clear in his voice.

"Izuku-kun, my boy, you surprise me every minute dear.... Did you get hurt at all?" Mitsuki asked genuine concern in her voice.

"N-No I am perfectly fine Mitsuku-san" Izuku reassured.

"You are just perfect for Katsuki, I wanted his mate to be strong to support him with the estate as well as the knights. Katsuki will be very happy with you. I can see it. He hates weak or incapable people, so I was a little worried but this is very reassuring." Masaru said with kind smile on his face.

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