Chapter 9 (I) - Announcement

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Part 1

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Part 1

Katsuki was a very confusing man to Izuku, he could never tell what the blond was thinking. One moment, he was all kind and caring and the other, he was mysterious and mischevious and then the other, he was exploding with anger. The Omega had a hard time judging Katsuki's reactions or thoughts. Just a second ago, the blond walked in with a huge box and handed it to Izuku and just left with no explanations. This morning, he was so playful and teased Izuku about his clumsiness when he almost tripped down the stairs to the main hall and Katsuki caught him just in time. Their faces were centimeters away from each other. Just the thought of that memory made Izuku burst into the colour of red all over. He tried to swat his thoughts of the Alpha away and ponder at the problem in front of him. He put the box on his bed and slowly opened the lid. His eyes widened at the contents inside.

Inside the box was the most beautiful fabric Izuku had ever laid his eyes on. The clothes looked like they belonged to royalty, something a prince or even a king would wear. He touched the garment, it was soft as a feather. It was pure silk fabric. 'This must cost a fortune' he thought. It was a three piece suit. There was an emerald green dress shirt with emerald gems embroided on the collar of the shirt, an off-white coloured vest with emerald gems in gold as buttons, off-white dress pants to match with the vest, a golden sash with emeralds embroided, a dark blue over coat with the inside a baby pink colour with gold and emerald patch work and dark blue high boots to complete the look. To say the outfit was incredibly beautiful would be a huge understatement. Izuku almost felt guilty that Katsuki got him something this exquisite. He was a useless Omega, he doesn't deserve such gifts. The intrusive thoughts that he had kept at bay for so long rushed back in. His father's curses and punishments replaying in his head like a film. He tried to move past his thoughts, to start getting ready as he didn't wish to be late. Katsuki had told him that he would come get him when he was done being dressed.

He quickly dashed to the bathroom, the maids had already run a hot bath for him.  The bathwater was scented with his scent. That was strange to him as this was a ritual done before mating and marriage. But he brushed it off, his intrusive thoughts making him believe he was in over his head to assume that Katsuki would ever want to mate with an Omega like him. He soaked himself in the water for a good 20 minutes, trying to push his intrusive thoughts away. He got out of the bath and wiped himself down, putting a robe on and stepped out of the bathroom. As soon as he came out two maids greeted the greenette.

"Greetings, young lord. The Lady of the castle has asked us to assist you today. We will help you get dressed and accessorize you for the celebration dinner." The maid said bowing her head down, whom Izuku knew as Kendo.

"Alright." Izuku said hesitantly.

He wasn't used to maids dressing him. Back home, the servants and the maids didn't really care for him as he was treated as an outcast. He was habituated to doing everything on his own so this felt weird but he couldn't refuse the request from Mitsuki. He might upset her. He sat down at the chair next to the mirror as the maids quickly started prepping the Omega. They used all kinds of cosmetics on him. He couldn't even count how many types of lotions they put on him, all of them were strawberry scented. He was confused as to why he was being prepped so much for the dinner, what was the announcement about that he had to be prepped? He was too deep in his own thoughts to notice when the maids had started dressing him. Kendo carefully put the beautiful garment on his body, perfectly tightening each laced strings to hug his curves pefectly. The outfit screamed beauty and elegance. Izuku was snapped out of his thoughts when the other maid accidentally pulled a strand of his hair. She quickly apologised and Izuku waved his hand dismissively. She worked her delicate hands on his hair, Izuku has beautiful long wavy hair. He thought of his hair to be difficult and untamable but the maid worked her magic and braided his hair in a beautiful fishtail. He stood up when they were finished and looked in the mirror, he looked nothing short of royalty. He could not believe that it was really him who was staring back from the mirror. He looked as if he was a prince or even the king himself. He couldn't help but admire the intricate design on the outfit. The design was completely done in gold and with emerald gems. He could tell the outfit was extremely expensive. He wondered how Katsuki had such an expensive garment perfectly tailored to his size and taste in such a short time span. It atleast took a month or two to make such a perfect outfit from scratch. Izuku had been in Ruby for about almost 2 weeks now.

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