Chapter 13 - Hallucinations

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Katsuki couldn't tell how long he had been pacing back and forth outside the King's quaters

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Katsuki couldn't tell how long he had been pacing back and forth outside the King's quaters. To him, it felt like an eternity had passed. 'Why the fuck do I have to explain, why I need to leave a shitty party?' The blond thought. He hated this so much. All he wanted to do was run to Izuku's side. He felt eerie chill when he thought of Izuku in that retched forest. Dynamight was unsettlingly quite. At first the blond mistook the silence for shock but now it felt as if the wolf was mourning. 'No, he is fine. He is strong..' Katsuki tried to console his racing mind but guilt just kept eating at him. 'I had promised that I would never let him be in a situation where he has to protect himself.. I failed.. Why didn't he tell me? Why was I not enough? Was I not reliable?' The Alpha's thoughts were racing with all kinds of negative thoughts, he knew weren't true. He knew the boy had to go and he wasn't his mate yet. They were bethroded only last year.. But he couldn't stop his mind from thinking of the worst case senarios. If it was not for Shoto being there with him, he probably would've gone insane and beserk and destroyed half the castle and killed Duke Hizashi for sending the Omega there.

"He will be fine, Katsuki.." Shoto said, sighing heavily. He knew there was a huge possibility that those words weren't true but he had to calm the blond Alpha down before he went feral.

"....Yeah" the blond replied hanging his head low. 'He has to be..'

The royal guard then came and gestured for the two Alpha knights to enter, indicating that the King was ready to see them. Katsuki walked into the private bedchambers of the King of Ivana. It was a grand bedroom. The room was decorated with gold and blue coloured tapestries. If Katsuki was in a diffferent situation, he would've stopped to admire but he wasn't. He had no time.

"Your majesty, forgive me for intruding." Katsuki said as he got on one knee and bowed his head down in front of the King.

"Ahh Young Bakugou, no need to be so formal. Tell me what is it that you need." King Yagi said in an enthusiastic tone with a bright smile on his face.

"Ah yes, I am here to inform you that due to an urgent situation, I need to head back to Ruby urgently and won't be attending the celebration." Katsuki said, keeping his head bowed.

"..Why? Is something the matter?" The King asked as he got up from his chair he had been previously sitting on.

"Well.. My future mate, Young Lord Izuku Midoriya is in a crisis and I am needed by his side urgently.." Katsuki said hesitating. He wasn't sure if he should disclose about Izuku's whereabouts.

"Crisis? What kind? Is Young Midoriya sick or injured?" The King asked, visibly concerned. The King was a compassionate person and he cared deeply for his subjects. He had grown quite fond of the blong Alpha knight and his bethroded. It was only right that he would take a liking to the strongest knight and would need him by his side. Bakugou family was very renowned for their strength, any King would be foolish to not have their support.

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