Chapter 23 - Green Thunder

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"The Crimson Knights are here!! Reinforcements are here Commander!" One of the knights yelled to alert Izuku as he used a binocular to see who it was that was approaching them

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"The Crimson Knights are here!! Reinforcements are here Commander!" One of the knights yelled to alert Izuku as he used a binocular to see who it was that was approaching them.

Izuku sighed in relief and his head snapped back at Kuro whose expression had turned grim and fearful. Izuku smirked and took the chance to lunge at him knocking him to the ground. It didn't take long for the Crimson Knights to catch up to the Emerald Knights and slaughter the remaining knights. Katsuki shifted and ran to Izuku. He snarled at Kuro and threw Izuku on his back and rode back to the encampment. Xeno's army was retreating and so were the Emerald knights and the Crimson Knights. Kuro knew that, now that the Crimson knights were here, winning the war would be near impossible.

Katsuki and the rest of the Crimson Knights rode back to the Emerald knights encampment. Katsuki put Izuku down and the greenette was so exhausted that he immediately plopped on the ground and gasped for air. Katsuki immediately shifted back to his human form and picked him up and carried him to the Commander's tent. He put the boy in the make shift bed that had atleast 20 layers of fluffy blankets, each of them was scented by Katsuki. He helped the greenette out of his armour and hung it up in the corner on the stand. He could clearly see the exhaustion on Izuku's face. Izuku had dark circles and bags under his eyes, his face was covered in small cuts and dirt and he was panting harshly.

"Th-Thank Y-You.." Izuku rasped out in between his pants.

"Why are you thanking me? Why in the world would you take the blunt of it all alone in the first place? Things would have been bad if the decree had arrived any later." Katsuki said with a grim expression.

"I.. had handled it. It's just.. their army was larger than ours and the.. t-tireless war had exhausted.. our strengths." Izuku explained. His breathing had finally calmed down enough.

"Canvi.. I had told you that if it comes to war you must send word for me personally. Why did I have to find out from a royal decree for reinforcements from his Majesty and not you?" Katsuki said in a darkened tone as he stood up and towered over the Omega sitting among the fluffy blankets. Izuku shuddered at the dominating tone and gulped.

"Things were more chaotic than I had comprehended, mae Lux. There was so much to do and so less time. We didn't see them coming... They came in the dead of night.. We barely had any time to prepare for the battle." Izuku explained in a soft voice. The blond huffed and narrowed his eyes at the greenette and turned around and walked out the tent before Izuku had a chance to stop him. Izuku sighed, the blond was obviouly very angry with him.

"Prepare a tub of luke warm water for a bath and bring us food." Katsuki ordered and Izuku purred.

No matter how furious the blond was, he never let his anger affect his attention for the Omega. Izuku was too exhausted to even lift a finger let alone get up and order a bath and the blond understood that just by a single look. Izuku sighed and let his body relax a little. He had been so tensed this whole time and now that the Alpha was here, he could relax. It was all on his shoulders and he was the one incharge and now that katsuki was here, he could rely on his Alpha and not shoulder everything alone. Katsuki wasn't just a stronger knight but also very skilled and experienced in battle and that Izuku lacked. He had the skill but he had never been to a war before so he lacked actual experience. He massaged his shoulder that ached from wearing the heavy metal armour from the past two days and riding a horse and swinging his sword. Katsuki walked into the tent with jug and glasses in his hands. He eyed the greenette and placed the jug on the table. Two knights came in with a big tub of water and they filled it up with buckets of boiling water. Katsuki dipped his hand and inspected the water. He waved the knights when he felt that the water was warm enough. The knights bowed to the Commanders but one of them stayed back.

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