Chapter 10 - I Win

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There was something going on, Katsuki could tell very clearly that his friends were not okay with the announcement of Izuku being his mate

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There was something going on, Katsuki could tell very clearly that his friends were not okay with the announcement of Izuku being his mate. This bothered the Alpha alot, he was never one to care about other's opinions and he could care less what others thought of his Omega. Izuku was an incredible person strong, kind, gentle, smart and beautiful. He brightened the Alpha's day and that was enough for the him. But their dislike of his future mate was very noticeable, it was very well reflected in their actions and behaviour towards Izuku, his friends were avoiding him or ignoring him. This was beyond infuriating and not only him, but even his parents noticed it. When Katsuki returned to his room on the night of the dinner feast, he was greeted by 6 of his friends Momo, Shoto, Mina, Sero, Tokoyami and Aoyama. They looked agitated and irritated. He was planning on talking to them anyways because he had noticed their indifference towards the Omega was the most noticeable during the feast.

"What is it Icy-hot? I am tired." Katsuki said as he started taking off his over coat and threw it on the chair.

"Don't go through with this, Katsuki." Shoto said, a look of determination and hatred, clear on his face.

"With what?" Katsuki said, his calm tone changing to a bit of an angry one.

"Don't marry that Omega." Mina said as she stepped closer to the blond Alpha.

"..Excuse me?" Katsuki's demeanor had changed completely, threatening pheromones were starting to ooze out now and his voice got louder.

"Duke Hizashi is a greedy and corrupt Duke, you know that better than anyone, Bakubro. He is just trying to strengthen his control as he is in deep shit with Xeno. He is using you." Sero said trying to calm the fuming blond.

"..And? What does that have to do with Izuku?" Katsuki asked, calming down from his rage as he realized what their issue was.

"And?! Bakubro, why are you letting him use you like that. You hate his guts more than anything. A few months prior you were talking about gutting the guy in his sleep because he was part of the reason why the war with Xeno occured, because of his greed and now you are fueling it?" Sero said, his tone getting anxious and desperate. He needed Katsuki to see his point.

" Tch, I know all that. Stop saying shit I already know. I still hate his guts and will kill him in a heartbeat. But I still don't see where Izuku plays in this." Katsuki said, sitting down on his bed as he took off his boots.

"You don't see-? Young lord, the Duke is using the pathetic Omega to mak-" Aoyama didn't get to finish what he wanted to say. He was interrupted by a gutteral feral growl.

"HOW DARE YOU DISRESPECT MY OMEGA." Katsuki growled, the room was suffocating for the others. Katsuki had been oozing out threatening pheromones.

"You will give him the same respect you give me, AM I CLEAR? He will be the Lady of Ruby , whether you all like it or not and you all will serve him, the way you serve me. I won't think twice before ripping your throat out, if you disrespect him again. AM. I. CLEAR?" Katsuki growled. A murderous rage clear on his face.

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