Chapter 19 - Stop!

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The week before the blond's birthday, was the most chaotic week Izuku ever had

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The week before the blond's birthday, was the most chaotic week Izuku ever had. He insisted that he helped the Duchess with the decorations and preparations for the celebrations. He could see how exhausted the Duchess was getting from planning 3 seperate celebrations. So there he was standing in the middle of the grand hall over looking the placements and arrangements of flowers and other tapestries. Masaru and Katsuki had been in and out of the castle frequently because of rogue attacks and to secure the borders for the many guests that were arriving in Ruby for the celebrations. Izuku had been running around over looking the final preparations.

Finally after making sure everything was perfect, Izuku retired to his chambers. Tomorrow was the blond Alpha's birthday and the whole castle was extremely excited for the celebration. Izuku plopped down on his bed, utterly exhausted. He sighed as the plush bedding helped relax his aching musles and aching back. His eyes and his body felt extremely heavy but he pushed himself to get up and change into his sleep clothes. He scrambled to his feet and changed into a white satin night gown. He barely had any energy left so he just plopped down on the bed and crawled under the blanket. Sleep consumed him and his conciousness slowly drifted to dreamland.




Izuku's eyes snapped open and he jolted up on the bed. He panted heavily, his breathing erratic and cold sweat dripping down his body. A sickeningly sweet scent hit him like a gust of fresh air and engulfed him. All he could smell was that scent and it was unbelievably strong. The scent was so strong, Izuku almost felt like he was going to go into heat. His head swirled at how sickeningly sweet the scent was. His eyes slowly adjusted to the darkness and his gaze fell on the person standing in the cornor of the room. He almost jumped back and off the bed but the person was fast and from the scent he could tell, that person was an Alpha. The Alpha dashed to the Omega and before Izuku had anytime to react, he was pushed down on the bed with the Alpha on top of him and his hands pinned to the sides of his head. Terror engulfed him as he realised that he was completely trapped and completely in the Alpha's mercy. Izuku screamed but not even a second into screaming, the Alpha smashed his lips onto the greenette's, muffling his screams and forced his tongue inside. Izuku's eyes widen as he realised who the Alpha was. It was too dark to see so he couldn't tell before but the kiss and the scent of sunlight and rosewood engulfed him when the Alpha on top of him kissed him. Izuku blinked rapidly and with all his might pushed the Alpha away to see properly.

"Ka-Kaachan?" Izuku stuttered out.

Fear, confusion and love consuming him. He was so confused as to why the Alpha was in his room and why the Alpha didn't say anything. He knew that Katsuki's rut had already passed so he couldn't be in rut so why wasn't the Alpha saying anything. But Izuku's thoughts were interrupted with a gutteral growl from the Alpha. Izuku couldn't see the blond's face because of the darkness but he could clearly see how the Alpha's eyes glowed red. The Alpha was feral. A cold shiver ran down the greenette's body and fear engulfed him. He barely had anytime to comprehend what was going on. He blinked and he was flipped on his stomach and his night gown ripped to shreds in a second. He heard the Alpha's belt and his whole body shuddered. He couldn't understand what was going on. Why was the blond doing this? What happened suddenly? His thoughts were cut short when he felt a warm but firm thing poke his behind. He whimpered loudly and tried to claw away from the Alpha, as the realisation of what the Alpha's intensions were with him quickly set in.

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